Chapter Twenty-Four: Disadvantage

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It was just as loud as it always was in central London. Full of people making their way to work, school or just to see someone. But to Samantha it was the beginning of the end. She knew she would have to face Dominic one day, she just never thought it would be so soon.

She knew he was going to try and take the piss in some way or form, so she was on guard. Nathaniel had warned her over and over before she left that if she needed any help, or if anything went wrong, she was to call him right away. But somehow she felt like this was something she had to do on her own. She knew for a fact that technically you couldn't break the contract, so she knew there was a possibility that she would have to violate it. In anyway possible. But that was just a possibility.

She also knew that Dominic would be as sly and conniving as he could to try and persuade her to stay with the label, and to stay within his reach. But she was done with his stupid games and conniving ways and she just wanted to be rid of him. She wanted to start her new life with Nathaniel, help him to get his life back on track. She even had a small determination to help reunite him with his Mother and his Sister. But she didn't know how she was going to go about it.

The bus stopped and pulled over at the bus stop and she got up; her final destination.

She looked up at the tall building and she shivered. She hoped, no she prayed, that this would be the last time she ever had to go into the building. She walked through the glass doors that had once mystified and dazzled her and walked up to the desk.

"I'm Samantha-Rose. Dominic Milner is expecting me". She said this briskly, and in that instant, she reminded herself of her Mother. She took a deep breath as the receptionist, who looked cheap and smarmy, picked up the phone and proceeded to call his office. He answered almost instantly, as Samantha expected.

The receptionist eyed her up and down and said into the receiver "I have a Samantha-Rose here to see you". Samantha narrowed her eyes at the receptionist's audacity but said nothing. Dominic replied instantly and the receptionist hung up.

"You can go on up.. Samantha" She said coldly.

"Thanks, and while I'm up there, find a new make up store. You look disgusting" Samantha replied with a smile before heading to the elevator. The receptionist looked after her with disgust. Samantha however didn't care.

In the elevator Samantha pondered her options.

She could either, threaten to sue him for the way he treated her and the boys.

Or, notify the police about the abuse and rape he had put her through, although she was reluctant to do this, as it would cause a scandal, something she didn't feel comfortable with. She had been through enough.

Or, her last option. She had not finished contemplating, as it was the hardest.

The elevator pinged and the doors opened. And there stood Dominic.

"Hello Samantha. Would you like to come this way". He turned on his heel and strode down the corridor back to his office. Samantha sighed and followed him slowly. She had purposely chosen an outfit that she knew would flatter her, but let everyone know that she was here on business. A fresh emerald green trouser suit, with a silk white blouse, bought purposely for this confrontation. They reached his office, and he held the door open for her as she came in and closed the door behind her.

"Take a seat" He gestured to the only chair opposite his desk, and she took a seat. He sat opposite her, in his big leather chair and rested his hands on his desk before finally looking at her.

"What can I do for you today Samantha?" He asked, as if she had never called him the day before. She pursed her lips and sat back in the her chair crossing her arms and legs.

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