Chapter One

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Chapter One

Word Count: 850 Words

Date Written: June 11th, 2016

I walk into the hallway of the abandon house. Blood and rotten flesh filling my nose with each step I take down the dark hallway. Its about ten at night I would say, guessing from where the moon is at this time. I look down the deep hallway, where anything could be lurking and  knock on the wall besides me. Knock... Knock... Knock... Knock... Nothing. I take my bag from my shoulder and put my hand in it rummaging through to find my flashlight. I grab it and turn it on the brightness of the flash blinds me of my site and knowing of my surroundings. I blink my eyes a couple of times to get use to the light that I havent used for about a week. After a little while I get use to the light, I shine the bright light down the dark hallway. I start to walk down the hallway slowly to try to avoid making noise to attract unwanted attention. I hear a noise behind me and spin the side of my body around, looking I see nothing and turn back around. I jerk around to be face to face with rotten flesh. The smell intoxicating me, suppressing the urge to gag or even throw up what little I have in my stomach. I react quickly since I've seem to be always cought in the same situation. I pull my blade from its container latched onto my back and pull it to the side of my body, turning my foot, to quickly spin my right hip slightly as I slice through the brain. The flesh eating monster falls to the floor covering the wooden floor and me in blood. I shudder knowing Ive just been coated in more then one persons' organs. I wipe my forearm against my forehead, smearing the thick red liquid on my forehead more which was the opposite of what I wanted. I internally groan from this, nonetheless I continue to walk down the hallway, having my back against the wall this time so I would be able to see both sides of the hallway. I make it down the hallway without seeing another one of those creatures. I take one step and the floor creaks, a could hear faint groans. I sigh to myself and walk forward more, not making the floorboards creak and cover the light of my flashlight with my freehand. I spin my head around the corner and see three of those hideous monsters. I flick  my flashlight off, sticking it in my back pocket, knowing the things in my bag would draw attention if I tried to put the light in. The moon light is shining right through the windows to let me see the creatures looking for their new pray. I grab four of my throwing knifes and throw one, missing my target. Throwing another, I end up hitting the first non-human. The close Biters as what I call them notice, now looking around.  Throwing two more, and successfully killing both of them. Their dead bodies drop to the floor. I walk quietly to the last one who looks lost starring at the others. Trying not to chuckle, I slice the sharp blade through its brain dead sorry exsuse for a skull and walk away down into a room. From what it looks like, it's a little girls' room. Two twin size beds, two draws, pink and blue, and toys. I start walking again, not bothering to walk or look into the kids' room anymore. I walk forwards until I get to the stairs. I walk up them, careful in each step. I get to the top and hear groans from one room. I clear all other rooms on the way until I get to the room. I look down and see books scattered. There's a note on the door, I turn my flashlight on once again blinking to get use to the light, and shine it on the door. There's a white sticker and the word Sam was written on the white slip of paper. I look down and see a message written in chock. Walker inside got my shoe didn't get me. Well then. I chuckle to myself for the first time in a while then sigh. I walk down the stairs again. Being quiet just in case, you never know what can happen anymore in a world like this. I get down the stairs and walk outside. I look around and see a tree. Easy to climb for me, others, not so much. I run to the tree and climb to the top. Once at the top, I sit down on the branch I'm stood on at this moment. I stick my hand into my bag and pull out a rope. I tie the rope around my average sized body, and wrap it around the base of the tree then tie the rope together enough to make sure I don't move, or fall. I stick my hand into my bag once again and grab a can of food, this can being chicken noodle soup, I grab a plastic spoon that I've kept and used for multiple times that I eat. I dip the spoon into the can after I used one of my knifes to open the can. I finish the last spoonful and take out a water bottle. Only half full so I have to be careful with how much I drink. You never know when is your next meal or drink now a days. I take two sips, savoring the taste of the thing I never thought I would love to drink so much and put the bottle into my bag. I lean against the hard bark on the tree and drift into slumber.

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