Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven
Word Count: 990 Words
Date Written: June 14th, 2016 And June 29th, 2016

We got to Alexandria and the adults came to me with worried looks.

"What happened?" Rick asks me and Alec.

"Well I was blowing off steam and walked out the gate and Enid came to find me but when I asked her what she wanted she attacked me, and stabbed me right here," I say as I point to where she stabbed me, blood going through my T-Shirt. "and then we fought for awhile, hit her pretty good, her only getting me a couple times then when she stabbed me, I stabbed her because she had a knife to my neck and was most likley going to kill me. Carl is bringing her now. Oh and Rick?" I ask. Sammy came up to me and starts barking.


"Your son. Hes an asshole." Venom clear as day, once again. 

"My son is a what?" He asks, blinking his eyes, shock and disappointment clear as day in his eyes.

"Your son, Carl, he hits girls, only fucking assholes do that." I say. I look to Alec and nod my head, signaling for him to walk away.

"There she is, dad! Dad! She tried to kill Enid, Dad we have to make her leave or better yet kill her! Make her stay outside the walls she cant be here, alive or dead!" And then theres Carl. Little crusty asshole. Sammy growls at Carl and Enid. Good boy Sammy.

"Your girlfriend stabbed her and had a knife to her neck! If anything Enid should leave!" Alec fights back.

"No ones going anywhere until we know the full stories." Rick is now putting his two-sense into this.

"Okay heres the fucking story. I went outside the walls, they let me right through, and I killed some walkers because I came out there to blow off some steam I guess because your son is an irritating little bitch. But anyways, I ran into a hord and I couldn't waste bullets or anything because there was too many of them. I then decided it was a good idea to climb a tree. I heard Enid yelling my name from under me but I didn't care so I ignored her until she started to get annoying. I yelled back to her and asked her what she wanted. She said nothing but instead grabbed my hair and started to pull on it, so I fought back, she stabbed me right here, then pulled the knife to my neck so I, not wanting to die to my bitch of a sister, stabbed her so I could get away, then Alec came and he flipped his shit. And then Carl came just to be a asshole and slap me in the face for wanting to live." I explain. Carl, of course, wants to fight back.

"Dad you cant believe her! Yes I hit her, yes she has a stab wound, but she still stabbed Enid!" Carl yells.

"Coral, shut up." Rick says while putting a finger to his son's mouth. I look towards Alec to see him trying to contain a laugh.

"He's right you know, she tried to kill me." Enid says.

"Enid, you know I like you, but you cant think I actually believe you." Rick says, looking into Enid's eyes.

"Look at her! She's bad, shes a rebel, she even has spray paint, dad why the fuck would she need that? She is gonna get us killed!"

I look down and smirk to myself. I guess I do look like the badass people say I am. I look to Alex, and of course he was checking me out.

"Carl, stop. She's not leaving."

"Rick its okay. Little Sheriff is just probably still mad that I saved him from two walkers in a backyard." I smirk as Carl face goes red from what Im stating the obvious, rage.

"That was you?!" He yells. Taking out his pistol.

I kept a straight, cold stare. Yes he had me at gun point and I could ie at any moment but I really didnt care. Instead I smirk. 

"Why yes Sheriff. Guilty as charged. Now, you wouldnt want to do that," I point to the gun.

"Oh yeah, or else what?" Carl asks, Rick is yelling at him but clearly me and Carl both are ignoring it.

Instead of saying anything, I grab the tip of the gun, in a swift movement, moved my leg an kick his ankle then flip him, moving on him where I'm basically straddling him, and put his own gun to his head.

"This is why, pretty boy." 

All of a sudden I'm picked up and scream. Fucking Glenn. His laughter is all I can hear.

"Put me down you Asain!" I yell, hitting his back.

"Im not asain you latino!" He laughs.

"I'm not latino, Im just tan you dog eating motha fucker! Put me down!" By now, me, Glenn and everyone else but Carl and Enid are laughing.

Finally he puts me own, and I get picked up once more but not by Glenn.

"Alec put me down!" My stomach hurts from laughing.

"In your dreams princess." 



"Asshole lemme down!" I hit his back like I did with Glenn.

"But I like the view."

"Fuck you jackass." I laugh and punch his ass.

"Oh feisty, I like it." I could hear the smirk on his face.

"Aleccccc pleaseeee?"

"Say Alec is a sex god."


"Say Alec is sexy then." 

"Only because blood is rushing to my head you asshole. Alec is sexy." After I said that he moved to where he was now carrying me bridal style. We went back to his house, me fighting to get out of his arms and lost. He even carried me up the stairs, while I yelled if he dropped me I'd kill him. We watched a movie and asked each other questions all night.

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