Chapter Four

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Chapter Five

Word Count: 909 Words

Date Written: June 12th, 2016

"And we've been watching you for a little while, and know that you're able to come if you want." The still unknown man says.

"Who's the dude that's scared of a 15 year old girl?" I ask Glenn. Daryl chuckles and mumbles something about him liking my style.

"That right there is Aaron, he watched mine and Daryl's group. Rick wasn't too happy 'bout it but we went and its safe, got food, houses, kids, showers, and it's got a couple of boys your age too." He smirks at me. I throw up the middle finger and laugh. Daryl mumbles yet again something about I'm too young. Jesus Daryl, already acting like a father that found out his daughter was a fuckin' stripper or some shit. I can tell by how he's already protective about boys when I haven't even met them, that he's going to . I sigh, and of course they take that like Im giving in, which I am. I feel I'm being lifted off the ground, now realizing I'm being carried on Glenn's back. Maggie comes in mind. If I saved her that day, maybe they were together. 

"Hey Glenn?" I say, unsure if I'm gonna make myself a fool or it's a sensitive topic.

"Hmm?" He hums.

"That day I saved you, I saved another girl, I was wondering if she's apart of your group too." I ask, still unsure.

"Describe her, if you don't know her name." Glenn says, pulling a cocky smirk, for reasons I dont know.

"Well she was a very beautiful woman, short hair, southern accent. I saved her from The Governor, other wise known as Philip. Her name was Maggie I heard someone yelling her name I think, must have been her boyfriend or something."

Glenn stops in his tracks. Daryl doing the same. A hint of hope hits me. Its been forever since Ive had hope, it actually feels weird, a good kin of weird though.

"You're the girl who saved Maggie?" Glenn says, smiling from ear to ear.

"Yeah, you know her? Is she like at the Safe Haven?" I say, excitement filling my voice. My stomach turns and chills go down my back as I say Safe Haven, remembering Woodbury...

"You little girl, saved three out of a lot of people from one group. How many people have you saved?" Glenn says.

"Well, other than you guys, I saved this old woman, very kind, a long long time ago, maybe the first month when the shit hit the fam, from her husband. From her yelling, I think hisname was Ed. I also helped this kid with a sheriffs' from like two walkers in a backyard. It was hilarious because he got mad that a girl saved him,. His face when he was mad, damn I'd pay to see that again," I chuckle. "Sheriff was cute, I gotta say. Never got his name though." Saying Daryl and Glenn are in a state of shock, would be an understatement. They looked at me like I was a hored of walkers for a minute.

"Y-You saved Carol? And Carl..." Glenn says. I look at Daryl with a confused expression clear as daylight on my face.

"Hershel is Maggie's father, he didn't make it. Carol was that old lady and Sophia was her daughter she didn't make it either but Carol is alive. They all were apart of our group. Carl is still alive and he's at the camp, he has a girlfriend though. Enid"I looked at him shocked. Enid was my sister. Anger rushed though me as I thought of her. I knew if I went to that camp I'd kill her. I stop dead in my tracks, Sammy of course doing the same, I pull out my katana and start to walk back to my safe house, Glenn looked at me in surprise. Daryl new something was up from when he saw my face when he said her name.

"I'm not going." I say,

"What why not?" Aaron said, I forgot he was with us.

"Unless you want me to be kicked out by killing someone, I'd leave me here." I say. Shock was on all their faces, once again. There infor a lot of surprises.

"Okay I know you said Carl was cute but you cant kill his girlfriend because you like him." Glenn says seriously. I scoff. 

"For your information, Enid is was my sister. She and the group we were with left me to die  because I wouldn't do things  that she would do to be apart of that group. She's always hated me. It killed me inside to know everything she did to me wasn't out of anything but hate. Everyone knew it too. Everyone loved her and when someone didn't and liked me, she'd make up a stupid lie, good enough to make them hate me. I was little, weak, thought of my sister as a hero even if she made my life terrible when she did that. I know from what I've had to do these past years that I would kill her on site." I say truthfully. Daryl looks at me, he's been through the same, I can tell. By the time I'm done, we reach a big gate, with tall but not too tall walls. Sammy barking at the people gaurding from the walls.

"Welcome to Alexandria." Aaron says.

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