Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Word Count: 579 Words

Date written: June 11th - June 12th, 2016

I wake up, still tied to the hard bark of the tree. It's looks like the sun is just coming up so I'd say it was maybe five, maybe six in the morning. I stretch my legs and arms still tied to the tree. Last time I wasn't tied to the tree and stretched, let's just say I fell hard for the ground. I untie myself from the tree and stuff the rope into my backpack. I grab the branch I slept on and climb down until I was hanging off that branch and I climbed down until I was about two feet from the ground and jump. Once I hit the ground I roll to soften the fall and not to damage my legs or anything. I start to walk down into the woods where I came from and started walking. I was walking until I hit a railroad. I inspect the railroad, and think for a couple of seconds before I thinking it was a good idea to go down the railroad. Then start walking down the middle of the railroad. I take my katana from my back and keep it in my hand in a ready position. I walk forward for about an hour. I'm starting to get tired of walking but not actually tired, so that's a good thing. I look left, right, from my back, then forward again to make sure it's safe to sit down for a little while. I start walking and feel something grab me. I turn around, katana at ready when I'm suddenly tackled. I mutter a curse while being tackled to the ground. I grip the undead's wrists and push forward. Not wanting the undead to take a bite out of me. I couldn't reach my katana in time. The walker was just about to take a bite out of me when I heard a low growl and a bark. The dog that barked and bit the walker and pull back, dragging the walker off of me without a bite or scratch. I mentally thank the dog, grabbing my katana and stabbing the walker before it can hurt the dog. I turn to the dog after getting blood and guts covering me. I smile at the dog, seeing there's nothing wrong. I can tell from how the genetics of the dog its a pitbull, maybe with something else mixed but the pitbull part is very obvious. I start to walk away when I turn the dog is following me. I smile. A real smile. Knowing this dog can be a companion for me, being annoyed and tired of being alone. I walk forward, dog following.

"You need a name buddy." I say as I pet the nameless dog. I also know it's a male.

"How about Rex?" I say and he growls in response.

"Okay, that's a no. How about Ray?" Another growl comes from the bloody and slobbered mouth.

"Hmm, Sammy?" In return from this name I get a lick of the hand.

"Sammy it is then." I smile at Sammy, walking forward.

I hear noises in the distance, not groans or moans from walkers, but a hear faint talking. I look down at Sammy, he's in a ready-to-attack position and his teeth are showing. I pull out my hand gun from my waist and point it to where I hear the faint talking getting louder.

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