Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Word Count: 1027 Words

Date Written: June 13th, 2016

After they leave Alec smiles back at me. 

"So now you can tell me about why you hate Enid? To be honest she's a little..." I laugh as he tries being nice by not swearing since I don't swear. He picks up really fast what I like and dislike very fast.

"Well... it first happened the first day of 4th grade... I wore a black shirt, ripped jeans, I was the definition of rebel at my school. I guessed everyone liked that because a lot of people wanted to be my friend, probably only to get a reputation of not 'being messed with' which I wasnt a violent person, I just liked the color black... I only had one close friend though. Enid was I guess you could say jealous. She didn't like that they liked me and not her. She started making up lies, saying I've done things, terrible things. She told me she'd make my life terrible if I didn't go along with it. Every time she fake cried, I had to go with it and say it was me who made her cry. She didn't stop there. She... she drove me to points where, where I felt like there wasn't any point of living. When this whole thing started, me and her were together. We found this group of men, they were nice in the beginning. Gave us food, shelter, only let Enid use a knife or a gun though. I knew something was up, but my 12 year old mind, didn't really care. They told me to do these awful things, terrible nasty things. I wouldn't do them. No matter who it was for, I couldn't. Enid didn't have a problem, she got complements, food, knifes, didn't get a gun though. One day, they... made me do things. Didn't let me have a say. After that I cried myself to sleep while Enid was laughing at the fact. When I woke up the next day, everything was gone. Everyone, all the supplies, only thing that they did leave was a knife. Small kitchen knife. Saved my me though. I then found an abandoned camp. Supplies were still there, food, guns, a lot too. I prayed to god that day that I'd make it alive. Oh and that thing Enid made up, J.SS., yeah she took it from me. Its engraved on my necklace I made. I went through depression and made that to help me through any tough times. She took it." The necklace that is." To say Alec looks shocked, would be an understatement. "Oh did I mention that when I first came here I looked to Daryl to see if I could kill her?" I weakly smile at the image of me shooting my sister. 

"I knew she was a bitch but god damn. She did those things to you, she did things with men, then left you to die. Yet she's your sister?" He asks, I mumble a small yes.

"Wow, I'm sorry." I smile as he says he's sorry, he actually cares.

"I think I'm going to go home, see you later." I continue to weakly smile, biting my lip as I walk to the door.

"Okay see you later." He says, motioning for me to go out the door.

I walk out the door, down his stairs and out his front door. I look towards the wall, then back to the houses. I smirk, getting my knife and running to the wall. I shove the knife into the wall, hard enough to hold my weight. I then grip the top of the wall, with one foot on the knife, other on the wall. I push myself up, and climb over the wall. I silently cheer for myself and start walking into the woods. I walk for about ten minutes then hear my nickname being called by a high pitched and annoying voice.

"Al!?" Ugh.  I climb the nearest tree and wait. I see her run under me and stop a little close to me. I could end it right now. Throw a knife at her and kill her, but everyone would know it was me because of asking permission from Daryl.  I climb down, seeing her being a stupid girl, she looks around like an idiot.

"Hmm?" I hum an answer as she turns around. 

She doesn't respond, instead she grabs my hair, pulling me to the ground. I groan from the pain of my hair getting pulled out of my head. She pins me to the ground and punches me right in the chest I flip us and punch her back in the face, blood gushes from her nose. I get tired of punching her and grab her wrist and twist it. She lets go of my hair and reaches for her pocket. I look down to see she's reaching for her knife in her pocket. I take the knife and throw it away from her. She kicks me to the ground and pins me down, taking my knife from my pocket. I wasn't quick enough and she stabs me in my right side, blood rushing out of me. My blood covered the knife she has in her hand and covers her hand as well with my blood. I cry out in pain, then grab the knife, sticking it in her left shoulder. She cries out like I did and blood splats on me as I groan in disgust as my sister's blood gets on my face.  I hear yelling in the distance.

"It's Alec and Carl where are you guys?" I hear Alec say.

"Carl get your fucking girlfriend off of me!" I yell, getting their attention.

Carl runs over, pulling Enid off of me as I catch my breath.  And the idiot yells at me.

"Why the fuck would you stab her?!" He yells, pulling me off the ground by my shirt and slapping me in the face. I'm used to the abuse. It doesn't phase my anymore.

"Maybe you should ask her why she ran after me, grabbed my hair, punched me, and stabbed me first. And if you hit me again." I spit at him, venom dripping from my voice. Shoving him, to get me out of his grip. I walk up to Alec and tell him to come on, he picks me up bridal style and walks with me back to Alexandria.

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