Chapter Three

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A/N I did not create this outfit, I did create one but couldn't put it on here so if it's your's I sorry! AND at the end just pretend she can fit all that into the duffle bag okay?)

Chapter Three

Words Count: 865 Words

Date Written: June 12, 2016

The faint talking gets louder with each step they take. Me being me, I hear them talking more to actually make out words, so I eavesdrop.

"Where'd she go?" I hear someone say, by the voice I could tell it was a man.

"I don't know, she's a tough one though. We've been watchin' her for how long? Two ta' three weeks?" Another man says in a southern accent. A sly smirk comes upon my lips as I wait. Wait for them to walk out of the woods, with my gun pointed at the men. I've known for some time now what men want, what they'll say to make you believe them. I'm only here to help. You need some help princess? And many more. My naive self thought I could trust them. Once they were done, they left me like my group did. To die. That's when I went cold. Every man I would come across either go shot or stabbed to get me time to leave. I came across a woman, short hair, southern accent. She was in danger. At the time I found her, I was held captive in a town called Woodbury. I was sneaking around for an escape when I came across her. The Governor told her to take her shirt off. I couldn't let that happen to another girl. I quickly ran in, but ever so quietly and gripped his neck, chocking him. I yelled for the woman to leave and get whom she came with. I know she escaped, I escaped about three days after. Being punished of course. I smile to myself as I remember her eyes showing me that she was thankful. I got her name right before she left. Maggie. From all this daydreaming the men have finally came out and was now looking at me in shock. Probably thinking. Wow a 15 year old is pointing a gun at me. I've never seen them before but one looks familiar. I remember the guy with the crossbow. I lower my gun from the crossbow dude and point at the unfamiliar face. I know the crossbow dude when I was walking through the woods and shot a deer. I found him and let him take half the deer for his group he told me about, leaving out names in case I was bad. I remember him. His name. Daryl. An asian man came out right behind Daryl. I know this man too, several different encounters. I broke the duct tape off the chair he was trapped to while a walker was trying to eat both of us. That day was the same day I saved Maggie. His name. Glenn.

"Well, well well. Isn't it a funny thing. Daryl and Glenn, you guys are in a group." I say lowering my gun.

"Er, do we know you?" The unfamiliar face says. I put him at gunpoint once again.

"If you don't want your blood spattered all over that tree, I suggest you keep quiet since I don't know you." With fear in his eyes, he nods.

"You're the one that helped me out in Woodbury..." Glenn comes to realize. I chuckle at the asian man stood before me.

"Yeah I am." I look down to Sammy. "I have one more companion to help this time if your in trouble." Glenn chuckles looking at Daryl.

"Oh Glenn, how'd you guys like that deer?" I ask, my eyes directly at Daryl. Glenn looks at Daryl, Daryl looks down and nods. I guess he said a girl shot the deer.

"It was you?" Is all Glenn ask. I hum a yes in response.

"How old were ya' when I found ya'?" Daryl asks. I think for a couple of minutes.

"I was probably around 13, maybe just turned 14. I'm 15 now though." I say petting Sammy on the head.

"We have a camp." I turn to the man I still held at gunpoint. Fear still in his eyes.

"And?" I ask, not wanting to be took into a camp to be left again. Groups and camps, are a very dangerous topic. My old group left me when I was 12, left to die. I still remember that day like it was yesterday.


My eyes flutter open as I sit up. I look around to see everything is gone, my group, all the supplies. Only thing that there actually is is a small kitchen knife. I'm terrified. I know they left me, no one liked me. The thing that hurt me the most was my sister left me. I hated her and she hated me, but there always was that little hope that she'd be there for me if anything came down to it. I would even if I don't like her. Enid was still my family.

End Of Flashback

I still have that camp but my backpack has everything I need in it.

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