Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Word Count: 858 Words

"Welcome To Wonderland..."

I take a hit, not feeling that much and blow out.

"Finally I can relax and forget for a while..."

After about an hour or two it kicked it. Hard.

My vision is blurry and I cant stop giggling. I feel like Im on cloud nine. Its truly amazing. Of course being high in a world like this seems like a death wish but for me, Im still very cautious when it comes to anything. The tree house is like ten, maybe twelve feet high. No walker can get in here so Im good, the Windows can be covered if I pull down the little pull-shade. I can see down and have my gun and knife. It has a bed, well mattress on the floor, almost full size candles (About three, plus my own lantern), and a mini fridge that of course doesnt work. Ive brought four cans of food and two water bottles. Not too much, once Im off my high Ill go back. I just need an escape for awhile. My thoughts were interrupted by someone opening the door. Well there goes getting high. I immediately sober up and grab my gun.

"Fuck." I whisper to myself as the trap door on the floor opens.

"Who the fuck are you?" I say to the mystery person.

"Finally I found you. Alexandria is worried and your dumbass boyfriend." One person I never thought Id see. Trying to find me. Carl fucking Grimes.

"That was so funny I forgot to laugh." Here it comes again. The giggles. I start giggling uncontrollably at this for no reason.

"Are you high?" He questions me.

"Are you not?" I giggle out.

"Oh shit you are. What the fuck. How do you even find drugs in a world like this!?" Carl yells.

"Chillllll mannnn. Put on a bandana, throw up some peace signs and chill." More giggles!

"I cant take you back like this! Itd get you kicked out for sure!"

"Woah man when did you care about me getting in trouble, that all I doooooooo." I drag out 'do' and giggle.

"I-I dont know. I just do! Jesus you can't even speak in correct grammar."

"How about you lose the limp dick, grow a pair and hit this blunt with me?"

He smirks. Me not knowing what that means so I just walk over to where I once sat before me being so rudely interrupted, relit my blunt and take a long hit. Carl sits next to me, looks at me as I look back at him. He smiles, that smile turns into a mischievous smirk and takes the blunt out of my hand, puts it into his mouth (If I wasn't high Id smack the living shit out of that boy.) And inhales. He exhales looking if I dare say, actually hot for once.

"I dont know if its the fumes or shit but that looked hot." It slips out my mouth before I could fight it back.

"Youre hot smoking or not smoking." He smirks. Damn I thought hed be a light weight. Only one hit, the kid must have never smoked before.

"So what are we going to do untik this shit wears off...?"

"We could make out." I take the blunt out of my mouth and give him a You dumbass are you serious right now I have a gun if you forgot look and he replies with,

"You asked I gave an answer. Dont shoot the messenger." I giggle at his attempt to be funny.

"You know, I'd take you up on that offer if you weren't dating Endie." I pronounce her name wrong.

"Oh yeahhhh, she doesn't do anything but wanna fuck anyway."

"Get someeeeee!" I yell causing him to laugh loudly.

"Can I be real with you for, for, for like a second?" I giggle at his sentence.

"Can I smoke this before?" He just smirks and nods. Seriously one moment I'd think he's high off his ass and the next he never smoked a day in his life!

"Ight go."

"Enid is a bitch." I burst, literally burst into laughter.

"Oh....oh my....oh my god!... just finding....this out now!?..." I couldn't even say a proper sentence with what he just said.

"Okay okay yeah yeah. I'm tired." He suddenly says.

I yawn and laugh. I agree and go to sit on the couch. I pull a blanket out of my bag and look towards him with a questioning look.

"You coming? We can sleep it off your dad would kill you if he sees you're high." He just smirks, like fucking always and walks over to me. He takes the blanket and puts it around both of us and puts his arm around my waist. Me being human and like warm things, cuddle up to Carl. I think I'm still high, I'm actually cuddling the Carl Grimes shit man. Darkness takes over as my eye lids close and I fall into a dreamless place.

Over hours I wake up and look up to be meeting ice cold blue eyes. Of the only Carl Grimes.

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