Chapter Five

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(A/N Thats Alec)

Chapter Five 

Word Count: 1440 Words

Date Written: June 12, to June 13, 2016

I take a breath and wait for the gates to open, quickly getting the rope out of my bag and tie it to Sammy's collar. The gates open and I'm greeted by a nice old woman.

"Hello dear, Im Deanna, I'm going to have to ask you a couple of questions if that is okay?" She smiles while saying this, she acts like there isnt death everywhere you go.

"Oh, um yeah sure." I awkwardly say as she starts to walk, I follow of course. She brings me into an office like place, I'm not too sure.

"Okay so I'm going to record this okay?" I nod and she continues. "Okay what's your name dear?"

"R-Alex Smith." Jesus, youre not her anymore.

 "Okay... How long have you been out there?"

"Since the beginning..."

"Ever been in a group?"


"What happened to them?"

"First group left me to die, other wanted to have their way with me..." Lie. They didnt want to do anything, they did everything. My mind tells me.

"What do you want?"

"Excuse me?"

"What do you want, why have you came here?"

"I know people here I guess. I know Glenn an Maggie, I helped them out of, of Woodbury, they helped me too. I helped Carol, I think her name was, from what? A month that all this started. I helped one more from their group, wish I never had though."

"Thank you. You can leave, Aaron will show you to your house."

I walk out only to be face to face with Enid and I guess it was Carl. They were holding hands. Enid saw me and ran over to hug me. I knew she was doing it for show. I was not going to be her puppet once again I pushed her off. My stare was cold. If looks could kill, she'd be dead with thousands of stab wounds and bullet holes through her head. I smirk at the image.

"Oh my god sister I've missed you so much!" She fake cries. I grip my gun in my holster and look at Daryl for permission. He shakes his head as I mutter a curse. I unwrap my hand from my gun and walk with Daryl.

"Fuck you." I spit at her. She runs to Carl and cry to him about how I was mean to her. Feeling Enid's glare on me as she fake cries to Carl. I can feel his glare as well. I smirk, knowing I'm doing something that both of them hate for two different reasons. Carl because I made his girlfriend "Cry" and Enid because she knows I'm not going to go along with her lies anymore.

"Daryl please!" I beg to Daryl.

"If it didn't get ya' kicked out I would let ya' kid." he says.

"Please, I kill her, we take her out side the walls, leave a note saying she couldnt take it and left. Oh oh or, or shoot her in the head, write a fake suicide and have the bimbo outta here! Daryl you have no idea how many plans I have."

"Kid, no. Trust meI want to too. How about you ask Glenn where Maggie is?"

"Daryl thats a great idea since I cant do jack squat." I run to Glenn.

"Glenn! Wheres Maggie?!" I yell, getting some rude glances from Enid and Carl.

"Two houses down from where we are now." he says, well yells because I book it once I know where she is.

"Maggie!" I call out, hope in my voice.

"Al?" She asks.

"You remember me?" She's the only one who knows my name other then my sister but she calls me Al too.

"Of course." I smiles, bringing me into a hug. "How'd you find me?"

"Well I came across Daryl, Glenn and I told him I saved a girl and described you saying you were a beautiful woman, short hair, ect ect and he asked me who else I've saved since I didn't know I helped Daryl, You and Glenn and you guys were in the same group. Glenn told me the names that I didn't get I guess I helped Carol with Ed, and I guess I saved Carl too. Oh did I mention Enid is my sister and Daryl had to take my gun away because I wanted to kill her on point, they told me she was here and that she was Carl's girlfriend which I didn't mind but of course Mr. Asian wanted to make a remark about me crazy enough for Carl to kill his girlfriend when it was out of pure hatred for the girl you made my life a living hell and left me to die because I wouldn't do nasty things to stay in a group full of 30 year old men and two 12 year olds at the time and I still wont." She looks like shes in shock, I dont know what it is today, but I must be a magical-fucking-unicorn because everybody has been shocked about something Ive said. I wouldn't blame her though. I would be too.

"I knew Enid was no good but I never thought she was like this..." She says, hugging me tighter.

"I know, Carl hates me by the way." I chuckle.

"How can he hate you already?" She asks.

"Enid was fake crying like she always did and tried to hug me, when I was little I would go with it and get myself in trouble instead of her. Now she knows that I wont go along because I pushed her off and looked at Daryl for permission to shoot her, which wasn't granted. I hated that but I knew it would get me probably killed, but it would be worth it. He's pissed that I made his stupid girlfriend cry." I laugh.

"Well there is a boy your age that I'd think you like his name is Alec. Go down three doors and ask for Alec and say I sent you." She winks and pushes me out the door.

I walk three doors down as Maggie said an knock on the door. I wait until I hear yelling and running down the stairs. I chuckle to myself as I hear a loud thud, and a groan. A attractive guy comes to the door. Who am I kidding? He's hotter then the sun. He looks me up and down and smirks.

"Done checking me out?" I ask, smirking like always.

"Not really." He smirks, looking me up and down once again.

"Hey Maggie sent me over...?" I say it more of a question then a statement. I mentally slap myself in the face for the fact of me wanting to play it off smooth and not.

"Damn, Maggie knows how to pick hot chicks, wanna come in?" He asks. I, of course say yes, and laugh along with him.

We walk up stairs and I hear the giggling of the two I hate.

"Um never mind, I don't want to." I say, not really wanting to fight my sister right now.

"Oh why? Its only Carl, Enid, Ron and Mikey." He says biting his lip. I think I'm gonna die.

"Unless you want Enids blood all over you wall I suggest you dont let me in that room. We have a very very bad past." He looks at me again, biting his lip to where Im most likely going to die right here right now.

"Well I have time. Stay here." He walks away to the room and opens it, "Guys you gotta get out." I hear the sexy god talk.

"Why Alecyy?" She ask. Ugh her voice gives me a head ache.

"You voice gives me a head ache thats why ya' dumb bitch." I but into the petty conversation of her wanting to stay.

"Because I'm gonna hang out with the new girl and she doesn't like you from what Ive heard, and that right there proves it." I chuckle at his statement.

"You got that right." I say as I walk into the room and lay on the bed like its my own. Weird. Ive never felt this okay to be my old self. Ugh great my old self.

"Nicest sister ever." Enid says with her little attitude.

"You want me be the nicest person ever and tell them what you did to me? Everyday, and how we lost each other?" She just looks down. I smirk and motion them out the door. They leave and I smile at Alec.

"Make yourself at home, why dont you?" He laughs and lays on the bed too.

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