Book 4⌇14. Picked The Wrong Fight

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Chapter 14 ∣  Picked The Wrong Fight


Lucette begs us not to, but it is just too tempting to see exactly why rangers are considered so dangerous. They appear like normal hunters, just like Rainier...Zak, on the other hand, had unlocked his blood magic ability before I was born. He almost never uses it, but if anyone forgets he has it, that's when he becomes a threat, expect the unexpected.

It's been just over a week and we have all settled in. My father hasn't really spoken all that much to me, but he isn't going out of his way to belittle or make my life miserable. He is currently reading a book to Lucette in the parlor, Tamsin and I slinking around the hallways. His eyes lift, but his voice continues reading, our eyes meeting for a second before he returns his attention to his little princess.

My mother is sitting in the kitchen, drinking something that is steaming, Kenzie and my grandmother speaking in hushed tones with each other. They laugh when Kenzie says something, the joke appearing funnier than it probably is, but they hardly notice the two of us. I haven't seen Zak or Rainier, probably off tracking down despicable rogue vampires as Lucette likes to put it when she recalls Halloween night.

That leaves Arlynn, her energy pulsating as she trains beneath the first floor, with her father and Killian, both of which are pushing her to her limits. The door opens, Tamsin and I jumping and seeing my grandfather emerge from the basement has our hearts slowly settling back down.

"What are you two doing?" He questions us, Tamsin batting her eyelashes as she shrugs her shoulders innocently.

"Nothing," my voice drawls out, both of us backing away and slowly walking toward the back door to the mansion.

My grandfather arches a brow, "Uh-huh. I'm sure," he chuckles, his white hair pushed back as he whispers, "be careful...don't bite off more than you can chew."

Does he...does he know...

"Bye!" Tamsin states, running from my grandfather's sight and I'm left there, looking up with uneasiness.

He shakes his head, "Don't get her into trouble. Killian will be after you quicker than you can call for your mother."

"I wasn't!" I scoff, crossing my arms in front of my chest, "We aren't doing anything..."

"Sure," he sighs, walking down the hallway toward the kitchen, leaving me alone. Tamsin had already slipped out the door, motioning for me to hurry up already. I roll my eyes, running to the door and glancing behind us, shutting the door and looking out into the backyard. The stars twinkle in the sky, Tamsin's hair illuminating from their glow, her eyes staring at the edge of the fence, the forest near our mansion is closer then I remember.

"Shall we?" She asks, smiling when she doesn't wait for my answer, running at the fence before vaulting over it, landing elegantly on the other side. Following her lead, it isn't long before we are edging closer to the forest, the sound of leaves rustling as the warm wind carries them high into the air.

The night is beautiful, breathing in the smell of the fresh rain from the evening, drawing in the scent of lilacs with it, Tamsin's hair swinging as she draws it up into a high ponytail. Her eyes come back to mine, saying, "Come on! You wanted to see where all the uneasiness draws from our elders when they think of rangers."

"I know, I know," I shake my head, trying to get rid of her scent from my senses, distracting me from the heartbeats we both can sense, coming from just inside the forest clearing. Behind the tall wall of trees, we move through the thick trunks, coming to the clearing and staring out to find Clover and Ryker dressed in dark clothing, combat boots tied up over their cargo pants, Ryker wearing a shirt with a vest, while Clover has on a long sleeve shirt.

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