Chapter 2

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"Haha you look like a potato that started to over grow it self!" Pewds screamed through the mic at this this. He had black shaggy hair with a nice black and gray snap back.

He had beautiful pure brown eyes that you could stare into them all day. He also had a nice gray jacket on. Ive never seen this mystical creature before. He was just beautiful.

"In your dreams you look like a fucking hair ball with your stupid ass beard." The beautiful creature said through the Mic.

"Hey Leafs I want you to meet a girl she's just been sitting here in the chat and I think maybe I should introduce you to her since its the nice thing to do."Pewds said and started to smirk.

"Y/n meet Calvin." Pewds politely greeted us to each other and smirked looking at us.

"Well hello there Calvin I'm Slyroc as you must know one of the biggest fucking girl Foxs in the internet. Not trying to be cocky." I said yelling in the mic with excitement.

"Oh uhh. Hey Slyroc and I know I love your videos you're so funny and cocky in them. By any chance what's you real name." Calvin or Leafyishere asked you with a cock of his head. He was so cute when he did that you thought.

Wait what!?! I can't have feelings for him I only just met him.

"Oh uhh sorry." I chuckled.

"It's Y/n. I do like to be preferred to be called Kip though." I smirked.

"O-oh thanks Kip." Calvin stuttered and smiled. He's so adorable and shy.

No no no. I can't have feelings for someone I just met.

"Hey guys sorry but we've gotta cut this short I've got to go shopping with Marzia so BYE leafs and Kip." Pewds logged off the chat.

Now it was just me and Calvin.

"Umm. I guess I'll just go I've gotta Uhhhh, do something." Calvin said in a kinda low tone and I loved it.

"Okay I'll add you on Skype bye." I said with a frown I logged off Skype.

"This dude is gonna drive me slap damn crazy. I just met him and I love him this can't be."

I thought to myself.

"Why is this happening to me." I bang my head on my pillow and then I drift into a deep sleep.

A.n. : That's a really bad ending but I tried. I really think this is a horrible fan fiction but I guess it's my first one. But anyways melons thanks so much for the reads and please leave down suggestions on anymore fanfics.

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