Chapter 5

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  Today was the day I would be doing the Chapstick Challenge with other YouTubers. I was super happy,since pewds actually requested some challenge I haven't done before. One thing is for sure I have no clue who the people ill be doing this challenge with was. 

 I am praying to God it's no Leafy or Calvin whatever the fuck you wanna call him. I'm pretty sure it's Mark,Jack,and Pewds though. I wonder if Marzia is okay with this? I sure do hope so I don't wanna interfere with Pewds relationship. They're so cute together.


 I hear loud knocking on my door and I think I know who it is. I walk up to the door and open it to see a red haired freak right in front of me with a smirk.

 " Hey y/n.'' Mark said letting himself inside and behind him was Jack.

 " Yo y/n." Jack said and I politely let him inside and then I see Pewds.

 " Hey Kip I have one more person he isn't here yet and he doesn't know yet he's going to be doing this challenge. I wanted it to be a surprise for him."

" Might I ask who this person is?" I was curious to who the last guy was.

" Ummm, yea it's Calvin or you might know him as Leafy or Pinecone."

" FUCK YOU PEWDS!!!!! WHY IN THE FUCKING WORLD!! IT HAD TO BE HIM!!?? I WOULD LIKE TO HAVE KEEMSTAR OVER THAT FUCKING ASS HOLE ANYDAY!" I said mad and angry. Pewds could tell he did something very wrong. He went to my kitchen and hid all my knifes.


Another fucking knock at my door why?


"I'll get it!" Jack said running to the door greating a black shaggy haired ass hole in the door way. Jack let Calvin in. Oh fuck I'm pissed.

" Sup pewds. What type of challenge are we doing again and you said it involved a famous YouTube girl. The only really famous girl on YouTube I can think of is Sly." I cut him off.

"Slyroc. We are doing a fucking Chapstick Challenge ,but I don't know if you know how this challenge works asshole considering you couldn't get a girl even if you tried." I said jokingly and smiling.

"You're a true dick in person. I know how this stupid ass challenge goes and I wouldn't kiss you in a million years."


"Shhhh Sly foxes and today I am joined by Markiplier , Jacksepticeye , Pewdiepie , and the true ass hole himself Leafyishere. Today we are doing another challenge , but this one has a twist it's the Chapstick Challenge."

"YEA!!!" Mark,Jack,and Pewds yelled. We have stupid ass Calvin saying nothing once again.

" Okay foxes I'm going to blind fold you all right now. Okay now let me get the Chapstick." I put on the Chapstick the flavor was Watermelon.

"Alright Jack you first ,Then Mark, Then Leafs, and last Pewds." I leaned in and kissed Jack. Strangely I kinda liked it ,but I hated it.

"Hmmmm, good kiss y/n and I don't know the flavor mark your turn." I added some more onto my lips and I kissed mark. Eww oh my god sorry mark but no more kisses from me.

" I don't know it ethier. To me it tastes of some Tropical Punch.''

"Nope but close good try Mark." Alright,since I didn't have enough blind folds pewds just had nothing on his face. I applied more on and kissed Calvin. Oh my god his kiss. My breath is taken away by how good he kisses. I kiss alittle longer, then Calvin pushed me away.

"U-ugh I don't know." Calvin stuttered and started to blush. I saw that pewds got jealous when I kissed leafs I could see it in his eyes.

"Alright pewds your turn." He got all bright eyed and puckered his lips waiting for mine. I kissed him short. I saw that Mark had put chapstick on to and started to kiss Jack.


Calvin walked out of the room and it looked like he had shame written all over his face. I felt bad for this little guy actually.

" I broke up with Marzia." Pewds said with his head held low.

Oh god what's going to happen now? Will Felix have feelings for me and try to tell me or will Calvin take me away from Felix before he can land a hand on me? Will they fight for me for my love?

A.N.  HEY MELONS THANKS FOR THE READS AND SUPPORT !! Sorry I haven't been updating I have recently had family problems,life problems,and etc. I am trying my best to keep on posting it's just really hard for me right now to post anything really. The most ill be posting things is probably 2 or 3 in the morning at the latest. Sorry for anything misspelled.  Thank you melons again for everything and stay Positive no matter what obsticals you might have to face.

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