Chapter 8

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I felt a warm strong arms wrap around me. I jumped at this action. I mean who is this person. I turn over slightly to see Felix laying there with his arms around me.

 I didn't want to wake Felix. I mean that would be rude. He had really long bulky arms. I felt his abs against my back. I didn't want to be rude and wake Felix really.

 "Kip I love you. You are the girl I have had my eyes on for a long time. I guess that's why I broke up with Marzia, Because the girl I was looking for has been my Best Friend my whole life. Y/n I don't just like you I love you to my extent. I can't help but to love you. When I see you with other guys I get so jealous. When I see you with Calvin even just saying hi or even helping him with his problems I get so jealous. Y/n I love you."

 Felix said actually being serious for once. I had no clue what to say at all. I loved Calvin and thats that. My best friend comitting he loved me is a lot for me to take in.

 "F-Felix." I stuttered actually crying a little bit. I felt a soft yet strong hand cover my mouth.

 "Shhh, I know you don't love me back. It's okay Kip I know you have your eyes on someone else. I can tell by that stutter you just did that you do not want to hurt my feelings by saying you don't love me back. Y/n I get it I know someone that has been your best friend for pretty much all of your life is hard to actually love someone like that. I understand that you want us to be just friends. I can understand that, but I am not moving my arms from your thin yet long body because I want this to last and I want you to really know that I care for you."

  Felix whispered and blushing a little bit as he said that small speech. I didn't even know what to reply. I just came up with something.

 "Felix you are a good guy. Don't get me wrong. You have been there for me in my darkest times and I love you for that.I just don't think i have the guts to love my Best Friend." I started to cry and I brought my hands up to my face.

 Felix knew I was crying. He took my hands away from my face kissed my forehead,got up, and walked back to the couch and went back to sleep.

 I heard footsteps from the hallway from my bedroom. I knew it was Calvin,since he was the one that was sleeping in my room. I saw him walk into the kitchen and he fixed up himself some coffee. Man that dude loves his coffee. I smelt it and it smelt so fucking good.

 I decided I would get up and get myself some to. I got up off my pallet quietly and I slowly walked behind Calvin making sure he put his cup down. He sat his cup down and as he does I decide I would jump and scare him.

 "FUCK YOU FGT!'' Calvin yelled.

 "SHUT UP WHITE CANCEROUS MUG!You're gonna wake Pewds up you Idiot." I whispered punching him in the arm.

"Well, Kip what the fuck do you want? Dude it's like 4:50 in the damn morning.What are you doing up?"

 "First of all, I want some damn coffee. The smell made me want some. Second of all, I should ask you the same damn question."

 "Well, I'm up because I woke up to the sound of Pewds talking. Your drywall isn't thick enough. I can hear everything that goes on.I decided I would get up,since I wasn't going back to sleep and then I came in hear and made coffee. Plus fgt I heard what Pewds said to you. I-I..."

A:N : HEY INSANE FREAKS!! I leaft another cliff hangger. Yes I know that this chapter isn't as log as my other ones. I have been really busy. I feel really bad for all the good people out there that love this story and they want to read more. Then you have the stupid ass writer that can't find time into writing another quality ass chapter in this book. I am so sorry INSANE FREAKS. I do promise I try and make new chapters everyday for you dudes. I just really haven't had time and with Band Camp and school coming up I don't know how much longer I can actually post. I will once again try and post some new chapters. I hope all of you understand! Also there has been alot of hate of black people going around.Like just recently a white cop asked for a wallet from a black guy. The black guy let the white cop know that he had firearms on him. The black guy was reaching for his wallet and then the stupid ass cop decides to shoot the black guys arm 3 times. The black guy is pretty much dead and his girlfriend is crying and praying to God hoping that her boyfriend isn't dead. She also has a daughter or son I can't remember that is also scared with her. I am white and I do not like what this stupid ass white cop did. Please pray for this loving little family.

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