Arranged Marriage

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Stomping towards the door of my father's room, I angrily thought to myself and found myself in front of his door.

*SLAM* "Dad! What the hell is the meaning of this!? Arranged marriage!?"

"Sigh, Ichigo we've discussed this already." Isshin said in a low voice. "Now sonny, you're mother wants you to have a happy love life."

"We!? Dad it was only you who said so. Mom wanted me to get married but not an arranged marriage!"

"Huhu. Ichigo are you're hormones starting to take affect." Isshin joked around trying to make me pissed.

"Gah, whatever dad! Just cancel the marriage." I shouted frustrated.

"Tch, tch. No can do sonny, I've already set you up for tomorrow afternoon with the moon kingdom."

I tried to argue back, but dad had already made his final decision. When he says something more than once, it means he's serious even if he is joking around. Sheesh, makes me want to punch his teeth in.

The next day

It was the day for meeting my new bride to be. On the paper it said her name was Rukia Kuchiki, but nothing more than her name and saying she's the princes of the moon. Like seriously though, I already know she's a princess and all that but what about her age or hobbies and such.

While, in the carriage, I awaited going through the portal to the moon kingdom. They said that the royal family would give us permission to breath on the moon.

Finally arriving, I got out and went inside the castle. It was more strange than the sun. The castle was not as bright as the sun castle, but for some reason it was beautiful.

"Right this way Prince Ichigo." A maid led the way to where the garden was. Awaiting at a table in the garden was a girl with black hair. "Sit down Prince Ichigo."

I sat down acting calm like my usual self and looked at Rukia, the princess. She turned to me and looked at me with shiny purple eyes. The eyes led me to freeze in wonder.

"Hello Prince Ichigo. I'm Princess Rukia, but just call me Rukia."

"Yeah, nice to meet you too. And just call me Ichigo."

The maid served us snacks and we ate in silence. The silence was weirding in me out so I decided to say something.

"So, um what do you want to do after this?"

"I was told to show you around here, but that's pretty much all." Rukia ate her food while looking at her plate.

"Hm, that's all you want to do? Seems pretty boring." I leaned back on my chair with my arms behind my head. Yes, I know it's pretty rude for a prince to be doing this but mom has told me to be me so this is me. Suddenly, thinking of something better than having a tour of the house, I spoke. "Rukia! How about we go to earth!?"

Rukia paused for moment, but replied. "Are you crazy!? We can't go there. Well I can't go there, my brother won't let me!"

I got up and accidentally stepped on her foot.

"Ow, Ichigo." Rukia stared at me.

"S- sorry Rukia."

"It's okay, you seemed like an idiot anyways." She giggled.

"Anyways do you trust me or not?" The wind blew as Rukia and I looked at eachother. I held out my hand and she sighed grabbing it.

"I'm in your care."

I smiled and started to fly holding onto her hand. Rukia brightly smiled too and felt the wind through her face. Rukia had me in a trance with her smile.

When we got to earth it was still dark. Rukia tried looking around but found it hard to see anything.

"Ichigo, you do know that I don't see anything right?"

"Just wait."

We quietly waited until the sun was rising. The moment the sun touched the ground, it glimmered the water drops from last night's rain. Rukia opened her eyes and was in awe.

In front of our view were a field of purple flowers that only grew on plains near rivers and only in the time of spring. The water drops on the flowers made it shine. There were many types of purple flowers in the field and the only one you could find. Luckily, no one knew of this place or the people would probably destroy it for buildings.

"T- this is amazing. How did you find this place?"

"When I was younger, my mom used to always bring me here. It was always a secret between me and her."

"Wait, then that means that this place is no longer a secret between you two!" Rukia said in an apologetic tone.

"It's okay. I wanted to show this place to you."

"But why show me?"

"Actually, when I looked into your eyes, they were a color of purple and when I first met you and made contact I was enchanted. Plus the color purple flowers also means being enchanted."

Rukia looked at me in curiosity and laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"Hehe, it's just that you seem really happy. For some reason it just made me want to laugh and smile."

Slightly embarrassed, i turned away and spoke about something else. "You can tell other people about this place if you want to."

"Why would I want to. This place is special to you right?"

"Yeah, but now it's also your place. My mom said that if I wanted to show someone this place, I could. Also, I can show this place to you because I'm fine with it." I smiled while watching the sun rise.

"Thank you. And I'm not going to tell anyone about this place either."

"Gah! This is too embarrassing let's just take you back." I waved my right hand in front of her face while the left covered my face.

I took Rukia back and got scolded by the butler. He said that I was lucky her brother didn't find out and I guess I'm pretty glad that he didnt.

Going back home, I entered the castle with dad right in front of the door.

"So how was 'the date' with Rukia Kuchiki." Dad smirked.

"It was not a date. And it was okay, but it still doesn't change my mind about marrying her. You already know who I like."

"Speaking of which, Orihime called me. Of course she wouldn't visit without permission because she would burn to death coming to the sun. But she seemed worried about you because you didn't come to school."

"And whose fault is that?"

"Haha. Don't worry I know you'll come to like Rukia, besides you know you can't be with Orihime. So just give up."

"I know. I'm trying to but it's more harder than it looks." I frowned.

"Yeah, yeah. Anyways tomorrow your mom and I are going to a short vacation. So tomorrow you'll have to go to school."

"Okay I got it."

"Also, I've got a suprise for you tomorrow at school. Hehe I know you're going to like it."

"What the hell! Don't sound like such a pervert! Get away now!"

Stomping up the stairs, I went into my room.

Sigh. I almost forgot about Orihime. Ah, too tired. Let's just deal with this tomorrow.

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