Nostalgic Dream

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Oh, what the!? Okay calm down now. I walked to the living room and picked up my phone and spoke. "Hey dad!" No response was given.


That was the sound of the phone being hung up. I growled and threw the phone on the couch. I went back to the door where Rukia was waiting.

"H- how did you know I lived here?" I asked nervously.

Rukia made an arrogant laugh. She brought out her drawing board and replied. "I had to knock on everyone's door until they opened and apparently they thought I was some sorta loan shark from all my banging. I asked them if they knew where you lived but they didn't know. So I decided to go to others people's houses. They didn't seem to answer and I started shouting. Whew, it was so tiring."

I stared at her in disbelief and saw that she looked pretty serious. She set her coat on the hanger and stood there.

"Wait! Are you serious!? You literally did what you just said! Now people are going to think that I'm also crazy and that I'm a loan shark!"

And what the heck was with those terrible drawings?

Rukia started to tremble and shook a little. I was starting to question if she was having a seizure or was crying. That pretty much freaked me out.

Suddenly, Rukia gasped for air and started to laugh her ass off. I swear it was as if her mouth widened a whole five inches more than what a regular human would. But I mean she is the moon princess. However I'm also the sun prince and I don't laugh crazily like that. Wait now I'm insulting her, damn it why is it that everytime I see her, I just want to bully her!

"Anyways, you didn't get my permission to stay over at my house!"

Rukia shook her head. "No actually your dad told me that I could sleep at your house. He went to my place and was begging me to so I couldn't say no."

That frickin old fart. Why does he act so damn childish!?

I looked at Rukia and found her looking around. I took a deep breath and walked up to her.

"Hey. I'll just let you stay for now okay. But only for tonight. I definitely don't want people to have any weird ideas."

"But aren't we already married?"

"What!? We're not married yet!" And I hell as well don't want to be.

Rukia stood in confusion tilting her head. She was tricked by my old man. I feel bad for her because I'm not even going to marry her. Oh well, might as well get to know her for the last two weeks.

I grabbed a blanket and a pillow then tossed it onto Rukia making it land on her head and covering her face.

"Here, you can sleep in my room today and I'll sleep on the living room couch. Also, this is Yuzuru's pajamas. I'm letting you wear them for tonight."

"Thank you Ichigo. But why are you sleeping on the couch? Isn't your bed yours?" Rukia questioned.

"I mean obviously it's mine, but since I *cough* am a gentlemen, I'll let you have the room. Anyways go and use the bathroom first because I'll use it after you."

Rukia nodded and ran up the stairs. I ruffled my hair and sighed.

When we both settled and went to bed, I fell into a deep sleep. I had a dream, one that I hadn't had in a long time.

It was a dream from when I was younger and still learning. I was at my palace garden at night where it was raining and it was when I saw a beautiful person. That person was a little girl the same age as I.

She was crying and soaked from the rain. It frickin creeped me out like in the horror movies. But when I called out to her she would turn around and softly say my name. 'Ichigo.' However, at that moment I couldn't see her face. Only her tender voice that echoed through my ears.

I hate dreams like those. They feel important but I'd sometimes forget about it in the morning. Especially this dream.

Few moments later I heard a loud booming sound. My eyes slowly opened and checked the window. There was rain falling down and light that struck pass. After hearing this, it reminded me of the dream. The exact same weather and nostalgic feeling.

Throat aching, I went downstairs and grabbed a cup of water. Suddenly, the thought of Rukia passed through my head. I was just curious so I went upstairs to my room where Rukia was sleeping.

Quietly, I opened the doors and peeked around. For some reason chills were running down my spine. I felt a cold presence but just thought of it as the rain outside.

"Hello Rukia....?"

'Sob, sob'

Oh, what the fu-! Damn... is that a woman crying I hear?! Where is it coming from!? Okay calm down Ichigo. Let's just observe the problem. Oh who am I kidding! If it's some sorta robber who took Rukia, I better whoop there ass by using my powers on them!

I followed the crying which came from behind the bed. Tip toeing, I went closer and closer. I pulled my hand up releasing a dim, but bright enough light to see my hands in front of me.

Pulling the covers over from behind the bed, I yanked them and screamed. "Yyaahhhh!"

But then I saw a fudging scary ass face that was all wet and the hair was covering some of the woman's face. Twice as louder, I screamed, "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!"

"I- Ichigo!" The woman shouted. The women jumped to me and hugged me. The grip was no joke because it felt like ropes. But as I observed closely, I saw that it was Rukia crying.

"Rukia what's wrong!?"

Rukia was shivering from under me and her breath was heating up my chest. I just stood there until I couldn't bare seeing her cry and put my arms around her.

After awhile, Rukia gathered her senses and let go of me. She wiped away her tears and sniffles her nose that was flooded with boogers.

I looked away until she told me I could look.

"I'm sorry that you had to see this side of me Ichigo. It's just that I'm not used to the thunder and lightning. As a kid it was usually just my brother and I, but he was always busy with ruling. Whenever it rained with thunder or/ and lightning, I'd have to go through it by myself."

I see. It must've been really lonely by herself to endure things. My mother was usually always there to support me when I was afraid so I'm not really afraid of things.

Sigh, looking at Rukia made me pity her so I just said something idiotic and embarrassing. "How about I sleep in my room with you too?"

Rukia instantly looked at me and smiled. "I'd love that, Ichigo."

At that moment, butterflies were in my stomach. I didn't quite understand but it must've been because I got a fright earlier.

I laid on the bed while Rukia laid next to me too. She stared at me and smiled. Embarrassed, I looked away and closed my eyes.

Night passed and the morning came. I opened my eyes slowly again and saw Rukia in front of my view. She was still sleeping and her breath was light and quiet like a cat. For the first time I noticed that there was another girl as pretty as Orihime.

Wait what!? Why am I thinking this!? Something must be wrong with me. I tried getting up but my feet got tangled with the blanket and I tripped onto the floor making a loud bang.

Rukia got up and was suprised while worried. "Ichigo are you okay!? What happened!!?"

I looked up at her and saw that the other string of her ting tip slipped down to her arms and showed her shoulders. Strangely, I got a nosebleed and fainted.

"I- I- Ichigo!!!!!!???"

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