The Suprise

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I woke up and got ready for school. For some reason I was exhausted.

By the time I finished Keigo and Misuiro came to my house to walk with me to school.

My friends don't know that I come from the sun or am a prince. Only Chad, and Sado. My family just lives on earth to experience what it's like being normal. But mostly for unknown business.

"Hey Ichigo. I heard that there was a new transfer student coming in today." Keigo cheerfully said.

"Oh really."

"Yep, Keigo said the student was a girl. I bet he'll make the first moves on her." Misuiro smirked.

We arrived at school and the first thing I noticed was Orihime Inoue. The most beautiful girl in school and my crush.

Keigo and Misuiro waved goodbye and left to their classes.

"Hi Ichigo! Your dad told me that you had an arranged marriage. Who was it with?!" Orihime smiled while she ran to me.

H- how the heck does she know!?

Sado and Chad then came to greet me. "Oy, Ichigo what's this about a marriage?" Sado said in his voice that always irritated me.

Chad just nodded in agreement with Sado since he wasn't much of a talker.

It must've been my stupid dad.

I sighed and just replied, "well she's just a heiress to a really important kingdom." It was silent and their faces were in amazement.

"Woow, Ichigo your father really has it in for ya." Orihime looked at me suprised. "I also so heard that he went on a vacation with your mom. It must be hard to have an arranged marriage without your permission." She nudged my shoulders in joy.

I got suprised and flinched stepping back a little.

Orihime was the only girl that accepted and treated me the same, but when I dated other women, they only went out with me because they knew my parents packed a lot of money.

Also, accidentaly they found out that I was the prince of the sun because they would sometimes find me mysterious and secretly follow me home.

My dad had to brain wash them about ever meeting me. Sigh, so I gave up hope of ever dating a regular girl. Of course that applies to Orihime too, but I can't let go of these feelings.


The bell rang and everyone went to class. I sat in my seat on the back of the classroom next to the window. My friends were all in my class and it was pretty surprising considering all six of us are only in one class together.

"Listen up class. Today we have a new student and she's from over seas." The teacher announced as he held out his hand motioning the doorway.

The door opened and in came a girl with short black hair and purple eyes. It was Rukia!

"Hello guys. My name is Rukia Kuchiki and I'm from over seas so please take care of me." Rukia said bowing her head to everyone in class.

The classroom got loud and were excited about Rukia coming to their class.

"Wow isn't she a hottie." A guy had pointed out from class whispering.

The girls were also riled up and thought of Rukia as a beautiful person. But who wouldn't, she is a short and slender girl with the eyes of purple flowers and the color of her hair as dark as night.

Orihime looked at Rukia in amazement and curiosity. She smiled towards Rukia and she smiled back.

"Now Miss. Rukia you should sit all the way in the back with Mr. Kurosaki. The one with the bright orange hair."

Rukia turned and saw Ichigo. Her face brightened up and she shouted my name. "Ichigo!" She speed walked to me and stopped in front of my desk.

I looked at her in confusion as to why she shouted my name so loudly. "H- hello Rukia. I didn't know that you'd be here?"

Rukia raised an eyebrow and said, "well didn't your father tell you I'd be attending your school."

Stupid old man! Why didn't he tell me!? Is this supposed to be the suprise he told me about?!

"Do you guys perhaps know eachother already?" The teacher asked.

"Y-yes sir." I replied nodding my head. Everyone in class looked at us suprised.

Rukia cheerfully sat on the desk next to mine and smiled happily.

School was finally over and I packed up my things. Suddenly, all of my friends ran up to me from the doorways.

Each of them spoke at the same time and shouted, "is she the mystery girl!?" And Keigo shouted, "How do you know her!?

I stood in suprise and sighed once more. Lately I've been sighing a lot now because of my stupid old person of a dad.

"Yes, my dad told me that soon I will marry her but in a forced way. He's such an idiot for not telling me. Karin and Yuzuru also went with him on the vacation since they were finished with their school."

Chad and Sado were restless and just sighed too but mostly Sado. Keigo just kept shouting and squirming that I was so lucky to marry a hottie. Luckily, Misuiro had no taste in younger women because he would be as much as a pain in the ass like Keigo. And Orihime.... she just stood there without saying a single thing and listened.

By the time I got home, I decided to call my dad.


"Isshin Kurosaki here!"


"Oh, Ichigo it's you." My dad said in a not energetic voice.

"Don't you 'oh' me! Why was Rukia Kuchiki at my school!?"

The phone was a little silent and then there was this low chuckling that went loud.

"Why the hell are you laughing!?"

"Well Ichigo. Did you like the suprise?"

"Of course not. I met her at my school in front of my friends." Especially Orihime. I didn't want her to know that Rukia is the bride to be.

"Hm, so you didn't see the other suprise yet." Isshin mumbled really quietly.

"What did you say old man?

"N- nothing Ichigo. Nevermind that. How about we make a deal since you so strongly disagree about the marriage?" I listened as to what dad was proposing. "The vacation will be held up for another two weeks so, by the time I come back and you still want the marriage to cancel then it will be done. But at least try to learn more about Rukia Kuchiki."

I replied with a sigh and a yes. My dad agreed and finished the deal.

My dad then 'uh oh'd,' but in amusement. "Ichigo your not gonna like this but your mother and I decided that Rukia Kuchiki will be living..."

'Ding dong'

The door bell interrupted the sentence and I walked to the door. Right when I opened the door Rukia was standing in front of the door.

"Hi Ichigo. I'll be living here from now on until the marriage. Please take care of me." Rukia said bowing her head.


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