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The very next day of school, I got up earlier than usual and cooked breakfast for Rukia setting an alarm clock for her. I definitely did not want to meet face to face with her again especially not after what happened last night.

Setting, the food down, I rushed out the door with a piece of bread in my mouth.

"Oh, Ichigo! I tried calling you on your phone last night, how come you didn't answer?" Keigo called out to me while Misuiro was on his phone.

I looked at Keigo and shrugged. "Well my... uh phone was just turned off."

Keigo stared at me in suspicion. I tried to think of something else to change the subject.

"So ahem, Misuiro who you texting so intently?"

"Ah Ichigo! Sorry for not answering you before but I have a girlfriend! She's 28 yrs old."

It was typical of Misuiro to date older women since they were his type. But speaking of girlfriends, what would it be like to have one?


"Ichigo I made your favorite! CURRY!" Orihime had shouted in joy with her apron on.

The food was handed down to me and I took a spoonful of curry about to stuff it in my mouth.

"Heeey Ichigo! Why don't you eat my dessert first! Strawberry dipped in chocolate syrup!" A girl with only a ting top shirt on that obviously covered her bottom.

I turned around and saw Rukia. Instantly I blushed and snapped out of my imagination.

Why did I imagine Rukia?!!? A- a- and she was like half naked but no exposure on her underwear. What am I thinking!? Am I a pervert or what?

Later on that day, I discovered that it was measurements day. It's where you measure your weight and height during P.E.

Getting dressed up, I heard some guys whispering.

"Hey did you see that Rukia chick. She's so hot isn't she?

"Oh my god I know huh. I'd definitely go out with her."

I walked up to them and glared at them. They got scared and ran away. I can't stand people like those guys. Man they sure are disgusting just wanting to date someone because they are pretty, what low lives.

"Hey Ichigo! Why'd you leave me in the morning!" Rukia shouted while running to me.

Reluctantly, I covered my hand over her mouth and told her to not shout.

She pouted and crossed her arms. I let go and stepped back.

"Sorry, but you just can't be shouting like that. What if someone heard you!?"

Rukia frowned and I felt bad. "Alright how about I make it up to you by taking you shopping after school."

She smiled brightly and skipped away. "You better not forget Ichigo."

I smirked and walked to the boy's gym where all the other guys were at.


Each time a person went up after one another. I waited patiently until it was my turn.

Finally school was over. I got my bag and waited in the front gate for Rukia.

"Hi Ichigo. What are you doing?" A petite voice said behind me.

"Oh Orihime! I'm just waiting for Rukia. I- it's not like it's anything special. Just some grocery shopping."

Orihime looked confused for awhile and started to chuckle.

"What's the matter Orihime?"

"Nothing, it's just that your face is so red. Do you have a fever right now." She leaned in and put her hands on my forehead. My face turned more red and it burnt her hand. "Ouch!"

"Oh no Orihime, I am so sorry! Are you alright?"

"Yeah, it just stings a little. That was a suprise, you should go to the doctors soon!"

Oh shoot, I forgot that I'm the sun prince, so if a regular person is burned by me when my heating level is high, then that could leave burned scars.

"Orihime, let's go to the nurse's office." I grabbed her wrist and took her with me.

"Yay, Ichigo is taking me shopping today! I hope he's still here though because I took too long."

Huh, where is he? I thought that he would at least be waiting. I guess he went home.

No choice, but to meet him at the house then.

"Here Orihime, give me your hand." I asked her as she obeyed. It was making me nervous with the quiet atmosphere. "All done."

Orihime smiled and quickly blushed while she stood up. "Thank you Ichigo. It wasn't really a big deal, just a small burn. But what about you, aren't you feeling sick!?"

She then tried to place her hand on my forehead again but I dodged it. Slowly, I chuckled and suggested something.

"How about I take you to a store to get some ice cream?"

She nodded her head and followed along beside me. While we walked to a convenience store, we encountered many cats along the way. They seemed to be in love with Orihime and so was I trapped in a trance.

In the store, I noticed bunny candies. Unknowingly, I just grabbed them and bought it.

After coming out of the store, I noticed that it was dark already. Oh sh*t! I forgot about Rukia! I turned to Orihime and told her I was leaving. I apologized for not being able to walk her home. She stuttered and said that it was alright so I left.

I felt horrible that I forgot to take Rukia shopping with me.

When I finally came across my house, I saw a tiny figure of a girl sitting in the front door step. Then I realized that it was Rukia.

"Hey Rukia! Are you okay!?" When I touched her shoulders, she looked up at me as if she was going to cry. However there was not a single tear that was shed. Just a face that was filled with sorrow. For some reason, I felt attracted to her even though she was sad.

"Rukia, I'm sorry that I forgot about the shopping trip." No answer was given back from Rukia until she spoke.

"Just open the door already. I've been waiting out here for hours so I would like to get some rest. Please."

Those exact words made my heart ache with guilt and I opened the door for her. She didn't say anything back. Or for the rest of the days.

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