Kon the magnificent?

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Hah, I'm glad that the whole Rukia incident is over. It felt weird without her around much.

Everything is settled down, but why do I have a feeling that something annoying is going to happen soon.

I walked to Rukia's room and asked, "Hey Rukia. Is you know... uh your time of month over yet?" I heard a slight movement in her room. By the noise, I could tell that she just woke up. "Nevermind, you can stay in today. Breakfast is at the table, Karin and Yuzu have already left for school which means you'll be the only one at home."

"Hmm, Ichigo?" Rukia said in a drousy tone. "Have a good day at school."

Smiling, I left and headed out.

Rukia stood up from the bed and walked to the bathroom. She looked at herself and remembered what happened last night. Her joy was so overwhelming that she couldn't hold it in and just started singing loudly.

"Ooh, ooh! Ichigo and I the destined lovers! Nothing can get between us for our love is like the Sun and Moon! Well literally."

Rukia came out after taking a shower and went to the kitchen to where the breakfast was. She saw a plate of eggs, toast, bacon, and milk.

When she finished eating, she decided to watch t.v. Not much shows were on since it was a school day. Usually the good ones would be on the weekends.

Rukia stood up and stretched out of boredom. There was nothing to do that all she could do was sleep or eat. So she decided to have a walk outside.

Rukia's P.O.V 

Hah, it's only 8:33. That means that there's still 6 hours until Ichigo comes back. What the heck, has school been this long before!?

I went inside a convenience store and bought strawberry flavored ice cream. Yep, pretty typical of me to get this flavor.

As I headed towards the house, I heard some mumbling around a corner. It was a goofy type of voice that seemed uncool.

Turning to see who it was, I saw a teddy bear walking in circles and talking to his self in front of Ichigo's house. As soon as he spotted me, he quickly dropped and acted as if he were a regular toy.

Is he dumb or what!? I already saw him.

"There's no need to pretend. I already know that you can talk."

No reply was given from this 1 foot teddy. But seriously, does he think that I'm an idiot or something. I grabbed him and started swinging him in circles above my head.

Finally the teddy bear gave in and started to speak.

"Ack! Alright, alright! Sheesh what is your problem!? And who the heck are you anyways!?"

I gave him and annoyed stare. Now that I looked closer, this teddy bear was so not cute at all.

"Why are you in front of this house anyways?"

The teddy bear patted the dust off and stood up firmly. "I am Kon the magnificent! I've come here to defeat someone and he is someone I despise! And that person is Ichigo Kurosaki!

I stared at him in disbelief. How could this little twerp defeat Ichigo.

"Is Ichigo home!? Because the house is quiet."

"Well yeah, he left to school." By the way. How come he hasn't fallen to my pheromones? Is it because he's a plush. Must be.

"Hey lady. What's your name?" Kon asked.

"Mine? It's uh Ru-" Wait should I tell him my name. I think it would be best not to considering I am going to be Ichigo's w- w- wife. "Uh it's Rulia Suchiki."

"Huh. Rulia Suchiki. Hey doesn't sound familiar with the soon to be bride of Ichigo? What was it? Ru- ru?"

Oh no please don't guess that it's me!

"That's right Rukia Kuchiki! Now that I look at it, you kind of look like her."

I gulped nervously.

"Nah, it couldn't be you because I'm sure that she would be more ladylike." Kon snickered.

Ugh! I want to so murder him right now. It's not my fault that I'm like this. I grew up learning how to fight and play sports. Sometimes ladylike things were taught but I would be bored of them.

"Hey Rulia. Could you tell me where Ichigo's school is." Kon demanded.

I snickered. "Pfft no."

Kon glared at me and so did I.

He then mumbled something about Ichigo that caught my attention.

"Sigh. Too bad, I wanted to see Ichigo's new bride too. If I saw her, something great might have happened. I also even heard that he was in love with his new bride."

Kon left to look for the school to where Ichigo was. I ran and suggested to him where the school was at and asked if I could come along. He nodded. However, I told him to change his appearance and poof! He shape shifted into a handsome tall man. Apparently he was a shape shifter that could change his shape and appearance.

Running to the bathroom, I checked if I was still on my you know what. And fortunately I wasn't anymore so it was safe. I decided to pack a lunch quickly and ran outside to where Kon was walking. Hopefully he wasn't far away.

It's been so long since I've seen him that I miss him.

"Hey Kon wait up!" I shouted as I ran to him. His stunning appearance was so dazzling that many people would be blinded. However I have Ichigo so I won't fall for this look.

We walked to school and it was awkward because many people kept staring at us.

Ichigo's P.O.V 

Sigh. Finally school is over.

I walked to the front gate where Orihime was standing.

"Hey Orihime. Are you waiting for someone?"

"Waahh!! Ichigo you scared me!" She sighed in relief but had this slight nerve hanging over her. "I'm waiting for um... Tastuki! Yeah that's right hehe."

"But I thought she had karate practice today?"

Orihime paused and her face turned bright red. "T- that's right! Haha, silly me. How could I forget." She knuckle her head with a tongue hanging out of her mouth. "Well I better go then. Bye Ichigo!"

She ran off in the other direction.

I laughed at how cute she was sometimes. Gah, cuteness overload!

In the distance I heard some people murmuring and looking at something. Wondering what it was, I went to see and what I saw was strange and suprising.

Rukia was with this tall man. Rather a handsome one at that.

"Oi, Rukia." I said lifting my hand up. "I thought you couldn't come outside?"

"Ah Ichigo! I came to give you lunch! Here, I thought that you would be hungry." Rukia held her hands out with a bento box.

At first I didn't take them because I was suspicious of the guy standing next to her. Something felt weird about him as if he wasn't a human.

"Hmph. Ichigo get ready because today you're going down." The man mumbled with a killing intent. He quickly swung his leg at my face.

Luckily I dodged it. When I turned back to him, I noticed that a lot of people were gathering around us.

Shoot. If this many people see me causing a commotion, I could be kicked out of school.

Turning to Rukia, I wondered what I should do with her. I'm pretty sure that she was still on her period so she couldn't run. I definitely had to get her away from the crossfire.

I grabbed Rukia and lifted her up in my arms like a princess, I then started to run away.

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