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Rukia's P.O.V

Wah! Ichigo is carrying me like a princess! Although I am one....

"I- Ichigo? You can put me down now. We're already far enough from Kon."

Ichigo's eyes widened. "Why do you know his name!?"

"I just met him outside of the house. He told me he wanted to find you. Uh... because he wanted revenge....."

Ichigo stared at me and rubbed his temples. "Sigh. What an idiot. Then I guess my suspicion was correct, it was Kon."

He seemed very annoyed at the thought of that name. Kon.

Wait! If Kon wanted to kill Ichigo so bad then won't it end up going wrong.

Ichigo's P.O.V

*Sigh* I got more problems on my hand now. I'll just have to settle the matter with Kon tomorrow after I get Rukia home. One thing does worry me though. Orihime did not hear any of this right?

At Ichigo's House

When we got home, Yuzuru and Karin were already asleep. Luckily they were because I didn't want them to get the wrong idea of me carrying Rukia.

Now that I noticed it, Rukia was blushing with her arms kind of hiding her face.

I let her down and it was awkward. Rukia stood there and then she started to say something.

"Thanks Ichigo for taking me home. Although it was to run away from Kon. Hey can you tell me about Kon?"

Suprised, I closed the door.

"Well in my kingdom, his species or kind are unique. As I'm pretty sure you saw, he is a shape shifter. Kon was born into our family as a servant. At first he was always listening to what we said. However ever since I um..." I paused for a moment and Rukia gave me a questioning look. "Apparently his girlfriend fell for me."

Rukia stared at me in absolute faith but in exaggeration.

"Okay I understand the part where his girlfriend fell for you, but why is he mad at you when you didn't even do anything wrong?"

"Well he was madly in love with her. Though he wants his revenge, but I don't know how he is going to have it. Plus all he is, is talk and no action."

Then I saw Rukia smile. She seemed to be enjoying things I told her as a story. It reminded me of someone from my past. This little girl who would always laugh and enjoy my company. Who was she again?

The next morning, Karin and Yuzuru left for school. There was a knock on the door. I opened it and saw Kon still in his human form.

"Hey Ichigo." Kon said in a very irritating way.

The moment I saw his face, I slammed the door. Kon kept hitting the door and I got very agitated.

Instantly opening the door, it hit Kon in the face. Kon fell to the floor and rubbed his nose.

"What the hell do you want dumbass!" I shouted. On the contrary, I already knew what he wanted.

"Damn you Ichigo. How much more do I have to suffer because of you!" Kon swung his fists at me and I swiftly dodge them

Backing away, I blocked him with my arms and tried to reason with him.

Since Kon was an annoying person, you couldn't reason with him because of his thick skull.

Kon kicked and broke a vase along with frames and lamps. Rukia came in and saw us.

"What the heck! Ichigo are you okay!?"

"Don't worry about me. Just worry about the objects that he is breaking."

Rukia rushed to move any valuable or breakable objects aside. Accidentally, he elbowed Rukia on her stomach and pushed her back. I was getting enough of Kon's crap so I used my powers and roasted his ass. I snapped my fingers and his pants caught on fire.

He stopped swinging at me and focused on his pants that were in flames.

A hand touched my shoulder and I saw Rukia. Her face was pissed and she brought a bucket of water to only pour it all over him.

Kon soaked, he spit out water.

I looked at Rukia and she looked at me. We both laughed and smiled.

"Are you calm now?" I asked Kon.

He nodded and sat where he was.

"Listen. I know that you're mad at me because of what your girlfriend did, but I had nothing to do with it so I don't know why you are blaming me."

Kon snickered. A vein popped from my neck as I was about to kill him.

He looked up at me and said, "Nah I was already over her so I just wanted to mess around with you."

The moment he said that, I smacked him across the face which left a red hand mark on the right side of his cheek.

"You are so dumb that I don't even know how to respond. And all of this, you coming here was just to mess around?"

Rukia sighed and coughed. "Ahem. So all of this mess you made and attacking Ichigo was just for fun. Oh ho, I ought to kill you now." She brought out her hands in a position of choking someone.

I held her back so Kon wouldn't die because I knew that she would definitely kill him.

"Hey Rulia. Why are you even with this guy? Are you living with him?" Kon wondered.

Pfft, Kon hadn't even noticed that he was acting rude towards Rukia, the princess of the moon. I decided to correct him.

"Kon this woman here is Rukia, the princess of the moon. And if she wanted to, she could report that you abused the princess and she could send an army to destroy you."

Kon gulped and frowned. "I am so sorry Princess Rukia. I did not know that you were the bride to be for Ichigo."

Rukia smiled gently, "It's okay if you understand. Besides, you don't need to use formal tone since I know your ugly personality anyways."

"Oh, well then I was really suprised you were the princess of the moon. I heard that the queen of the moon was kind, fair, and beautiful. But when I said that you couldn't be the princess earlier because of your attitude, eh sorry." Kon chuckled.

Rukia was also very close to killing him for real this time. She brought out her choking hands and I held her back.

"Why are you here for real Kon?" I asked in suspicion. He wouldn't have came all this way for no apparent reason.

"Well actually I came here to steal your bride to be's heart." Kon grabbed Rukia and kissed her hand.

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