Chapter 1

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I took a deep breath as I headed on my way to my first day at Nashville Music Academy or as many of the students called it NMA. This was the first time I had ever been alone without my family. While it was a hard adjustment to get used to over the summer I was thrilled that I had this oppurtunity presented in front of me. Jon, my brother had just graduated from NMA and thrillingly I had just been accepted. Jon of course offered to let me stay with him in Nashville which I gratefully had taken. Jon drove me on my first day. "Wow I can't believe you'll be going here now." "I know. It's crazy it's almost like yesterday you had moved out." I said shaking my head. "Please to me it's almost like yesterday you were born my sweet baby sister." he laughed. I smiled a bit "Oh how time flies..." "Exactly....I can't believe you're actually dating now." he smirked a bit. "Well Jon I am 14!" I giggled a bit. "I know but it's just weird." he laughed. I finally grabbed my bag and headed off. "Bye Jon." Bye Ang." He said as we hugged one last time. My journey was about to start and I could hardly wait.

I made my way over to my first class which of course were core classes. BORING! I sat next to a girl with the most ADORABLE red hair which she wore a bow in. "Hi I'm Angie." I smiled introducing myself. "I'm Schyler." the girl smiled back. "So nice to meet you so where did you come from to go here?" I asked knowing most people had traveled long and far to attend NMA. "I'm actually from Murfreesboro which is about half an hour away." Schyler smiled. "That is so cool! I'm from Beverly, Massachuettes originally but my brother lives here now since he graduated last year." I grinned. "My brother actually goes here now with me." Schyler smiled a bit. "His name is Colton he's pretty cool and we get along great." "Aww that's awesome my brother's name is Jon. We also get along great."I smiled a bit. See making friends here wasn't that hard. Of course I didn't learn too much in school that day but oh well the more friends the merrier right?

Schyler and I had quite a few classes together and sat together during Freshmen Orentation. Where we were told all about what was excepted of our grades as well as our music classes. "You all were accepted here because of your exceptional talents. We all know you have the drive to make it in the music industry. Most of you are Country artists here. While others of you are all different ends of the spectrum in music. This is why music classes begin after lunch and take up half of your day. you also have core classes which you have already attentended. These are also very important in that you must be passing to perform in any of our showcases. Freshmen usually do not make these showcases as soloists it's a very hard thing to do. Which is why we have a special Freshmen showcase for those of you who have the potiental. Some of you have siblings who attended here and I think they can give you a very accurate portrayl of how seriously we take grades and performance. Sometimes you are invited back for the next year and other times you are not. This is up to you. It depends on grades, performance, and behavior. We expect nothing but the best from all of you and we are sure you can deliever." is what they told us. 

After this I was nervous because of performing. Of course it was what I loved but I never knew how good I was. Schyler and I took our seats at lunch which was everyone in the school due to the fact that only 74 of us attended. An older guy about 15 or 16 walked towards us. "Hey Sky how's your first day." he smiled plesantly at Schyler. "Great." Schyler smiled a bit. "I'm glad." he said. "Oh I see you made a new friend. Hi I'm Colton, Schyler's brother." So this was Schyler's brother. Gosh she hadn't mentioned the really cute part about him...well I guess siblings don't see that and it'd be weird if she did...."Hi I'm Angie." I smiled a bit. Gosh I hope I didn't seem too young, cutesy, immature. Why am I even worrying so much? "Nice to meet you Angie." "You too Colton." I smiled. "Well I better get back to my friends I just wanted to see how things were going for you Sky. I'll see you later." he smiled as he walked off. "Oh my gosh your brother is so cute!" I gushed. I couldn't help it. "I get that a lot..." she said looking a little down. "You okay Schyler?" I asked wondering if I said something wrong. She nodded but I wasn't too sure.


Colton. Freaking Colton. EVERYONE has too talk about how cute he is. How talented he is. How lucky I am to have him as a brother. I know these things but half the time I have friends it seems like I'm invisible whenever he's around. Angie seems just like every other girl who's been my friend. Not that she seems mean or anything but every girl I've been friends with tends to want to hang out with Colton more than me. I sighed as I ate the rest of my lunch quietly as we prepared to head off to performing classes. I had to blow the teachers away. Colton always seemed to. I had to get out from behind his shadow which I'd been living all my life there. I wasn't surprised when I was accepted into NMA because Colton was accepted first and Colton was everyone's favorite here. I was the sister of one of the most talented students or so I'd been told. I knew I had to prove my own worth today.

Angie and I headed off to our first class which was again all freshmen. "Hello everyone. I'm Mr. Cowell and this is your first year of NMA. We expect nothing but the best out of all of you. Today you will be performing in front of your peers." the room began whispering complaints. Pfft. I already knew about this why complain honestly? You get to showcase your voice and see exactly who is a shoe in for solos. "I will call your in no particular order." Mr. Cowell said as the room grew quiet. Brielle Von Hugel was called up first and we figured how it would go. There was this adorable girl Lauren Alaina who sang a Carrie Underwood song which was quite ambitious being Carrie had graduatedfrom here and went on to be one of country's biggest stars. Finally Mr. Cowell called "Very good Elijah. Next we have....Angela Miller." Angie soon got up and took a deep breath.

"Hi I'm Angela Milller, everyone calls me Angie. I'm going to be singing my own original song called "You Set Me Free"." Angie smiled. Was this girl crazy! Singing an original song was quite ambitious very few actually were good. Angie seemed like she would at least be decent. She began to play the piano and sing "You find me here alone. I hear a voice that's so unknown. It strikes courage up my backbone, strenght in my heart, a life set apart. I see that's what you are. You come, you come with open arms. You say 'I love you for who you are'. When I was haunted and alone with this bagagge on my back dragging me down you set me free ohhhhh. You set me free  ohhhhh. You set me free yeah yeah yeah." HOLY CRAP! She was fantastic. The entire classroom broke out into applause. Angie smiled. "Wow Angie..That was absouletly fantastic." Mr. Cowell said even appaluding her. "Thanks." she smiled. I was glad for her that she did so well but she didn't have as much to prove as I did.

Amber Holcomb sang and then Mr. Cowell called "Next is Schyler Dixon." I got up. "Hi I'm Schyler Dixon and I'm going to be singing "Like A Star" by Corrine Bailey Rae." I smiled as the music began to play "Just like a star across my sky, just like an angel off the page. You have appeared into my life feels like I'll never be the same. Just like a song in my heart, just like oil on my hands. Honor to love you. Still I wonder why it is I don't argue like this, with anyone but you. We do it all the time. You're blowing out my mind. I wonder why it is I won't let my guard down for anyone but you. We do it all the time. You're blowing out my mind. Just like a star across my sky, just like an angel off the page you have appeared into my life feels like I'll never be the same. Just like a song in my heart, just like oil on my hands." I finished. The class clapped about the normal clap. "Good job." Mr. Cowell said. I frowned a bit. I really had wanted to prove how great I could be. I guess I failed. I sighed as I took a seat not wanting to be the friend of another Colton.

"You did great." Angie smilled. "Thanks." I said vacantly. Angie seemed confused as to why I wanted nothing to do with her anymore. The truth was I couldn't handle being "Colton's sister" or even "Angie's best friend'. Since I just knew she was about to get Colton treatment. I worked so hard to be up to my brother's level and just maybe have my chance to be for being in the spotlight instead of being in the background never having my chance. After the day way over I walked out to the car just wanting this year to be over. They would never invite me back. Why even should they? I just knew the only reason I even got in was because of Colton and that was that.

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