Chapter 3

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Shit. I'm so fucking late for Stefano and I's date. I hated having to run off on Casey like that but I'm the worst at remembering anything. I rushed off to the mall hoping I wasn't too late. I walk in and am carried through a flash mob of people singing "When A Man Loves A Woman" where I am lead to Stefano. "Hey...Sorry I'm late." I laugh a little. Stefano smiles "No big deal. Hales...I wanted to ask you something. Will you go to homecoming with me?" he smiled. My heart flutters. "Of course I will." I smiled as we kissed. Soon the flash mob went off. "I hope it wasn't too much." Stefano said. "No I loved it. It was so cute and thoughtful." I smiled. "I'm glad boo." he smiled at me. We then went shopping for our homecoming attire which was a blast to do.

I came back home and dropped off my gorgeous cheetah print floor lenght dress which was a little bit sexy but hey, that's just me. I then rushed over to Casey's. I missed my best friend and I couldn't wait to tell him how amazing everything was today. "Hey Reinhart." He grinned his adorable little Casey grin. "Hey Case. Thanks for letting me in finally ya dork." I teased. "Anything for you." he teased back. I then told him all that occured with Stefano to which he smiled and said "I'm so happy for you Hales." It was so good to know that my best friend supported me. Sometimes I wondered if he forced himself too. He and Stefano seemed to hate each other. For what reason I'll never understand why. He made up lies frequently about Stefano cheating on me which is something Stefano would never too. Stefano said he might be jealous which is why he made up that Stefano cheated on me. I guess it could be that but I really just will never know. Of course Casey lets me pick the movie. He honestly never complains if I pick a chick flick which is kinda my thing. I'm glad though to have a friend I can tell anything to without feeling like an idiot. After the movie ended it was time for me to head back home "I better go" I sighed. "See ya tomorrow Reinhart." "You too Abrams." I smiled as I headed home for tomorrow. As I fell asleep I realized how truly lucky I am to have such a great friend and such an amazing boyfriend.

The next day school was...well school. I headed to my core classes and sat by this new kid named Phillip. He was kinda quiet. "Hey...I see you're new." I smiled. "How could you tell." he joked in a bit of a southern drawl. Gosh I've heard that accent somewhere. "Well by the fact that you have your schedule out." I teased. Most people at NMA by their second year knew where everything was and since this was my third year here almost no one had the use their schedule. "Good to know." he laughed a bit. "I'm Haley." I smiled introducing myself. "I'm Phillip Phillips. I know what creative name right?" he laughed. I laughed too. "Great to meet ya Phillip." "You too Haley." he smiled a bit. "Where did you move from? You have like the best accent." I smiled. "Georgia." he smiled back. "Nice! I've never been there but  I heard it's nice." I said. He laughed "Well you're not from Tennessee." "Nope good ear. I'm from Chicago." "Chicago." Phillip said in his best imitative Chicago accent. I laughed so hard at his imitation. "You should come sit with me and my best friend Casey at lunch I think you guys will get along." I smiled. "Sounds good beats eating alone in the bathroom." he winked. I laughed again Phillip was definitely going to fit right in here.

Phillip and I headed to lunch and I saw Casey and sat by him "What have I been replaced Reinhart?" Casey teased. I shook my head laughing "Case, This is Phillip he came from Georgia." "Nice to meet ya Phillip." "You too Casey." Phillip smiled. "So Phillip do you go by any nicknames?" I asked. "Well usually people call me Phil sometimes." He said. I nodded "Casey calls me Reinhart or Hales usually." "And Haley calls me Case, Spacey Casey, and Abrams. Be care if she nicknames you, you have it for life." Casey said in a scared sounding voice. I threw a piece of popcorn from my lunch at him. "Not funny Casey!" I laughed. "Oh yeah it is." he smirked. "How long have y'all been friends." Phillip laughed. "Since we were really small. We went to daycare together." I smiled. "Y'all seem like you've been friends forever." he agreed. "That's because we are." Casey laughed and Phillip and I joined in. Stefano called me over. "I'll be right back guys." I smiled knowing it was his half of the lunch to have me with him and I was thrillled to be spending time with him.


"You won't be seeing her again anytime soon." Casey said shaking his head at the fact that she went over to this other guy. "How come?" I asked. "Well that's her boyfriend, Stefano. She always spends half of lunch with me and half with Stefano." he sighed. "Oh I get that." I nodded. "Yeah. he's the biggest jerk in school I wish she was with someone else." he sighed. "I get that. Have you tried talking to her?" I asked logically. "Tried? Only a million times but she doesn't believe me." he sighed again. I felt awful for Casey. I mean he tries to get her away from this jerk. "He looks like one to cheat." I said. "Believe me he does." Casey said. That pulled a bit on my heart. From the minute Haley talked to me I thought she was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. If only she could see what a jerk this guy was maybe I'd have a future with her. "She deserves better." I said. "No doubt about it in my mind." Casey agreed. "I'm kinda bummed she has a boyfriend." I admitted quietly. "Everyone is." he sighed "Haley is the most beautiful, funny, smart, adorable, hilarious, feisty, and talented girl I know." I soon began to wonder if Casey had feelings for her to and right when I was about to ask. The bell rang.

Singing class was next. "Okay class you need to go pair off for duets. I have assigned you partners." said Mr. Jackson. Everybody groaned. I laughed a bit for the fact of everyone not wanting to be assigned partners. Mr. Jackson wrote down a list then posted it to the wall. I saw Haley was in my class and I could only hope he would pair us up to sing together. I think we could make some beautiful music together. The list read as followed:


Stefano Langone & Pia Toscano

Paul Jolley & Janelle Arthur

Ta-Tynisa Wilson & Jordan Dorsey

Kree Harrison & Baylie Brown

Chelsea Sorrell & Kendra Chantelle

Candice Glover & Curtis Finch Jr.

James Durbin & Karen Rodriguez

Haley Johnsen & Heejun Han

Phillip Phillips & Haley Reinhart

Haley and I were singing together. "Hey I guess we're partners." Haley smiled. "I guess so." I smiled back. "Any ideas for songs?" "Nothing yet." I said honestly. "We'll get about we go rehearse at my house after school?" she smiled. "Sounds great." I smiled back. Gosh I got lucky in a hurry. I get to spend the entire day over at the beautiful Haley Reinhart's house could my day get any better? Haley and I decided on the new hit "Somebody That I Used To Know" feeling it suited both of our voices well. "Well that was easy." Haley laughed. "Sure was." I smiled a bit. I looked at the time and I saw it was time for me to go home. "I have to go." I sighed. "Oh..." she sighed too. "See you tomorrow?" I smiled. "Of course." she smiled as I walked out to my car. "Bye Phil." "Bye Hales." I drove off back to the Suddeth household. 

I moved here from Georgia alright but little did anyone know how much I had to work to be here. My family is very poor. We're from a very poor small town in Georgia. The only reason I was able to finally attend NMA is because this other great family, the Suddeth's from a different town in Georgia happened to be good friends with my dad and were moving here for their daughter, Lauren to start attending NMA and they offered to let me live with them. I was so fortunate that they offered otherwise my family could have never afforded to send me. The Suddeths were even helping my family pay for me the attend NMA which was insane. I started working once I got here so that I on my own could help pay for my schooling for the next two years. Even if it wasn't much it was the least I could do for my family after all the sacrifices they made for me. I headed home and began my first shift as a waiter to make ends meat. I was doing this for me.

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