Chapter 2

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Schyler seemed upset about something the rest of the day. She hardly talked to me anymore so I figured I better not try to ask. Schyler and I used to be closer until just out of the blue she just avoided me at all costs. I still tried to be there for her but she just seemed to try to carry every load of whatever happened on her own. Our mom drove us home which was an eerily quiet ride about the first day of school on Schyler's end. "So Sky I see you made a friend at lunch today." I said smiling. "Aww see Schyler I knew you'd meet a friend." Mom said. "Well we're not really friends anymore Colton. She just sat with me because she asked to sit there." I lied. "Oh. I thought you guys were becoming friends. My mistake." I said not so sure about that. They seemed to talking a lot to be just a girl who asked to sit by Schyler at lunch. Schyler raced upstairs like usual when we got home. I always worried about her being behind a closed door too much like never to let anyone in. 

I worked on my homework downstairs wondering if things could ever go back to the way they were between me and Sky. After I finished it up and went online, my mom called me down "COLTON! Annie's here." Annie was another sophmore at my school. She was my girlfriend. I was glad to see her but I wondred what the occasion was. Our date wasn't until Friday. "Hey." she smiled seeing me. "Hey." I smiled back. "Ready to leave?" she asked. "Sure where are we going Annie?" I asked a bit surprised. "Annie said you guys had planned studying at her house." my mom said. "Oh right. Can't we study here." I said impatiently knowing exactly what Annie was trying to pull. "No. We promised my folks we'd be over at my place." Annie snapped. I knew her parents were out of town for a week. Not that my mom knew that. "Colton, You guys can't stay over here to study you know the decorators are coming over." my mom said. I sighed. If only she knew what this was about. Annie smirked a bit as we left to go to her place.

"Annie, I've said it for the hundreth time. No." I said angrilly as I was driving to her house. Annie rolled her eyes "Colton, the sooner you realize no one waits like you do the better. I mean come on we're supposed to do it if we're in love. You love me don't you." she folded her arms. "Of course I love you." I sighed. Gosh why did she always have to pull that card. "Well it sure doesn't seem like it I know plenty of guys who'd be willing to show they loved me." she said putting her nose up in the air. "There are plenty of ways to show a girl you love her. Sleeping with her is not one of them." I said finally. Annie rolled her eyes again. "Look Annie I love you but I don't get why you're demaning this from me." I sighed. "Whatever." she said looking out the window. We watched a movie and all seemed well.....for now.


"Spacey Casey. Spacey Casey!" my best friend Haley Reinhart waved her hands in front of my face. "Whataya want Reinhart!" I laughed. "Nothing you're so spaced out." "B-B-Bennie and the Jets." I teased her. "Very funny." she said. Bennie and the Jets was her best performance she had done at a showcase last year so anytime she referenced it I loved it tease her. "Mhmm" I smirked. "So how was sophmore year." she teased. "Boring. Junior year?" "Eh bout the same." she shrugged. "How's Stefano." I said in my best voice trying not to show my disgust of him. "Great. I missed him so much over the summer in Chicago." she sighed dreamily. Well he didn't miss you. I thought to myself remembering all the times I caught him cheating on her this past summer. As much as Haley and I were best friends she would never believe me over Stefano "He would NEVER do that Case." She sighed when I tried to tell her I saw him and Pia Toscano making out. It was a lost cause to try to discuss it.

My feelings for her. That was a different story all together. From the minute I met Haley I knew she was someone who I could one day seem myself being with the rest of my life. Haley never seemed to see us as more than friends. Although I never asked her, the type of guy she typically dated said that she wouldn't go for someone like  me. They were muscular, very attractive for guys, and they almost always cheated on her and guess who was always there to have to pick up the pieces of Haley those jerks left shattered on the floor. Me. That's who. It was true I envied the guys she dated but I never would try to get between them. Haley deserved to be happy but she also deserved a guy who treated her right. 

"Shit! I have to go." Haley frowned checking her phone. "Now?" I sighed. "Yeah...I promised Fano I'd meet him at the mall. Catch you later?" she asked. "Of course Hales. Come on over after your date." I smiled. Haley lived right across the street from me like she did in Chicago. She nodded. "Will do." and with that she was on her way out to the car. I watched her drive away hoping Stefano wouldn't hurt her.

Haley of course came back fine and cheerful about her and Stefano's date. She raved about how he asked her to the schools homecoming which was a month away "I seriously was so shocked when he did it at the mall with a flashmob." she giggled. I smiled a bit happy for her that things with Stefano were going well. "Congrats on that Hales." "Thanks Case. So what movie are we watching." she smiled. "Your pick." I smiled back. "Yeah?" she grinned excited to make me sit through another one of her chick flicks. I never minded. This was Haley's day and why would I want to go ahead and ruin it?

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