Cassette 3; side B

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'Screw you, Niall.'

Her words rang threw my head in a never ending cycle. I couldn't seem to forget them. There was so much hatred in her voice. So much pain and anger and rage. So much fear and sadness. I knew she meant those awful words. I just knew it. I knew her for about a year and a half, I knew her like the back of my hand, still do, and I just know that she meant those awful words that keep ringing threw my head like an endless bell.

With a shaky hand I flipped over the cassette and listened to side B.

'Good news! I'm no longer sad over you. Now I'm pissed with you.

How could you? How could you? Why? I hate you! Oh the never ending thoughts that run threw my brain.

I'm making this tape, because right at this moment I am listening to you! I am listening to the Niall Horan from the One Direction! Wow I'm fangirling! Not. You know at one point I did fangirl over you. I was the biggest One Direction and Niall Horan fan ever. Posters all over my walls, phone, laptop and any other device filled with 1D pictures and facts and quotes and tweets. Gosh I was obsessed with you guys, but most of all you. Now I'm not.

I'm still a fan of One Direction and the other guys, in fact they still send me a text once in a long while, but I'm no longer a fan of you.

Do you know how painful it is to have your idol, the one who saved you and your life, give up on you? No. You don't. Well let me try to paint the picture for you; it's like being stabbed in the heart a million times as your worst fear comes true. You are every awful thing you think you are.

So anyways I'm listening to your beautiful voice right now on T.V. and the interviewer just asked you a question and that question was 'Have you ever been in love before?' now I paused it so I could record myself as I watched your response.

Are you ready? Here we go.

"Honestly, Donna? I'm going to have to go with the honest answer. No. I haven't been. There hasn't ever been a girl that I've ever truly loved because in all honesty none of them were my princess."

"None of them?"

"None. Of. Them."

None of them, Niall? None. Of. Them?

Gosh I can't even speak right now, that's how much what you just said hurts.

Are you happy now? Are you? Does hearing me cry and fall apart make you happy? And it's all because of you and what you just said.

How could you?





What happened to that?

I loved you.

I hate you.

Now when I say this I truly, 100% mean this.

Screw. You. I. Hate. You.

I will never love you again, Rosie.'

Now I was the one crying. Now you're the one that is breaking me, Rosie.

I love you though! I do! How could you hate me? How could you? I love you!

I was sobbing my eyes out now and I couldn't control my breathing.

I lost the one girl I truly loved. I lost my princess.

I should've answered honestly.

'If you're crying your eyes out and wondering why and how and all that crap and feeling broken and sad beyond what words can describe then guess what?

Now you know how I felt.

And if you're not. Well then just reply the last part of my message, Niall.'

and with that the tape clicked off and she was gone again.

My princess is gone yet again.


Helloooo cupcakes! Kinda heartbreaking, right? Well good. Cause that's what I intended! So I lied. The big reveal of the secret will be in the NEXT chapter or the NEXT NEXT chapter. Sorry I was writing and realized it was way too soon to tell you guys and there wasn't enough background story to do this yet so either in the next chapter or the chapter after that I will let the big secret slip of why Niall left and what he did. The official ship name of Rosie and Niall is 'Riall'! Which I liked best anyways. The edit on the side is by HaloScarlet and she is amazing! I love it, THANK YOU!! It's beyond amazing!

So thanks for reading, voting and commenting! love you all my cupcakes!

-Autumn x

P.S. my pen name is Eleanor Carson so that's why it says Eleanor on the edit. I would put Eleanor when I end the chapter but I already started with Autumn (my real name) and it's too late to go back now so.... ya. :P

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