Cassette 11; side A and B

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"Alright, Niall. This is it. This is the last tape. Ever. I know you have others, but those are just blanks. I figured you could find a use for them. Like making a mix tape for your boo. 

I guess since this is the last tape I better say my last words. 

I got married. I've been married to Ashton for 2 weeks now. It's been nothing but pure bliss. My paintings and drawings have been selling like crazy. I guess you could say I'm "famous".

With that aside I think it's time to tell you something that I've been holding onto for quite some time now.... Niall... I love you. I really do. I always will. You were my first real love and I'll never forget you. Even though we went threw a lot, and I mean a lot, I wouldn't change a thing. I still do miss you, but I am over you. Honestly I'm grateful for everything that happened between us because if none of that happened then I would've never met Ashton. I would've never met my Chandler. So thank you and I honestly do mean that. Thank you.

I hope that you find a girl and that she is everything you've ever wanted and more. Please just make one last pinkie promise to me; please just pinkie promise me that you won't settle for anything less then your soul mate. Please just promise.

You deserve to find her, Niall, and when you don't ever let her go. ever.

Good luck with everything.

Don't regret anything that has happened. Everything happens for a reason.

Love Always, Rosie."

"This is the last tape? like ever?" I asked Reagan.

She shook her head yes.

"Wow." I breathed.

"I know. Who would've thought your story ended like this? Her forgiving you, yourself moving on. It's amazing. You've made amazing progress in therapy, the medicine is working wonderfully. Now I'm not saying that we should stop therapy, but on the pace that you're on I'd say that we can stop very soon." Reagan said with a smile.

I couldn't stop the huge smile from forming on my lips. 

I  threw myself at her and hugged her. She fell against the back of her chair and laughed. 

"Thank you." I mumbled into her.

"You're welcome." She said hugging back.

I pulled away and sat back in my seat. 

"I found a girl. Her name is Anna." I said after a few minutes, my smile still intact on my face. 

"That's lovely, Niall! I'm so happy for you!" Reagan squealed. 

"Thank you. She was actually my childhood best friend and crush. We just reconnected last night." 

"I think that's what they call fate, Niall." Reagan said with a playful smile on her lips.

"I think so." 



"Well I guess we can listen to the other side of the tape and I'll be gone."

"Alright." I said as I flipped the tape over.

"This are my last words for good: whenever you're feeling low or like you have no one who loves you, please remember that I do. I always will. Never harm yourself, never take your life, because if you do then you're leaving someone behind.

I love you, Niall Horan. Always have, always will.

Love Always, Rosie."

A smile spread across my lips and that's when I knew that everything was going to be okay.


so short chappy much? It's not even 1,000 words.

Well this is the end. I will post a chapter full of thank yous and then finally a short sneak peak of the sequel to the mix tapes! I got such great feedback and almost everyone asked for a sequel!

So I won't get too mushy, I'll save that for my thank you chapter, but I will say it has been amazing writing this book and it has been amazing having all theses wonderful people read it. I will admit that I am scared that none of you will read the sequel, but I'm going to take a chance. If some of you aren't following me then I suggest you do so you know when the sequel is posted since I have no idea when it will come out. My guess is sometime in next week.

Thank you to everyone. Thank you.

Best Comment goes to everyone, but since this is the last chapter I will pick on person and that person is: @ughhmazing you had me at #. I have a weird obsession with saying hashtag. it's a fun word.

so... thank you, cupcakes.

please comment with whether or not you will read the sequel!

-A x

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