Cassette 10; side A and B

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The girl took a bite of her brownie and started to slowly walk off to the corner of the room where the plush pale forest green chair sat. She took a seat and started to sip on her hot chocolate as she picked up a book. 'The Fault In Our Stars' was the name of the book. Her delicate tiny fingers carefully flipped the pages as her eyes thoroughly scanned the words that were printed.

That girl was quite the sight. She had beautiful brown hair, big blue eyes, and full pink lips.

Maybe this was my chance to find my Rachel. Maybe she was my Rachel. I don't know. Maybe it was too early to judge. Maybe I shouldn't even be searching for a girl, I mean I did just start getting better. I don't know. I really don't.

I sadly hung my head low, took my order and headed for the door.

"Hey! You're Niall Horan, right?" a overly preppy voice said.

I sighed and closed my eyes for a moment before reopening them with a smile on my lips. "Yes, I- hey. You're the girl who got the same order as me." I said with an uneven half smile.

The girl laughed. "That I am."

"So are you really that big of a One Direction fan?" I asked as I walked closer to her.

She made a cute facing showing that she was thinking. "No. But am that big of a Niall Horan fan. I'm a Niall girl." 

I laughed as I took a seat in a ratty old purple chair that was placed next to her pale forest green one. "Are you really now?"

She took a sip of her drink and nodded. 

"Well it's too bad that I don't know the biggest Niall Horan girl fan's name." 

"You're talking to me as if I'm a 9 year old fan." The girl said with a laugh.

"I'm sorry! But seriously what is your name?" I said.

"My name is Anna." She said as she took a bite of her brownie. Her doing so reminded me that I needed to take a bite of my own brownie.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl." I said as I savored my bite of brownie. 

Anna slightly blushed, but blew it off. "Thank you."

"Honestly though I love your name. It's one of my favorites." 

"Well thank you. You're one of my favorite celebrities." 

We sat in silence for a moment as I let my thoughts wander. 

Maybe I should go after this girl. She seems nice. What about Reagan though? I never actually thought about her in a romantic way and I won't deny that she is obviously one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen, but I don't know. I don't think so. Rosie is not an option though. No, I have to move on from her. She has found the love of her life and can't stand in the way of that. 

"You know I use to know a girl named Anna when I was younger." I said out of the blue.

"Really? That's cool."

"Yeah we were best friends actually."

"What happened?" Anna asked obviously intrigued. 

"She ended up moving to America when we were 6." I said a bit sad. I never actually had gotten over Anna. I think she was my first "crush" so to say.

"That's sad. Ever think you'll see her again?" 

"Eh, no. I highly doubt it." 

We sat in silence again. 

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