Ch. 14 Say What?

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Bts p.o.v:

"Just how are we going to find Namjoon hyung? Y/N is now going to marry Joongi!" Jimin said.

"But...aren't they siblings?" Taehyung said.

"Oh wait, Y/N doesn't know about this yet does she?" Jungkook said.

"I don't know...we should probably tell." Jin said.


"Well she's going to find out no matter what. So it's best she know now." Yoongi said.

We all nodded our heads and walk back home in silent. "We should go see if he's in his hometown." Hoseok said.

"Alright let's go back home to get the car first." Jin said.


"Hyung, how in the world are we going to find Namjoon here?" Jimin said.

"We'll just have to search house to house then." Yoongi said.

"Ya hyung!" Jungkook said.

"Ya?" Yoongi said, turning around.

He sucked in his cheeks,"I'll be going first!" He said, running off.

We all laugh,"Wait Jungkook! Take the letter with you, I have a feeling you'll find Namjoon." Jin said.

He came back and took the letter. "Well let's start the search."

Jungkook p.o.v:

Just where in the world is Namjoon hyung? How the heck does Yoongi hyung expect us to find him here. I went house to house and no luck. I should ask if they know a guy name Kim Namjoon.

"Do you know a Kim Namjoon here by chance?" I asked the old lady.

"Hmm, that name sounds familiar. Why are you looking for him?"

"Ohh, I have an important letter to give him."

"I believe his family lives right down the street."

"Thank you!" I said, bowing.

"Let's see....she said he lives somewhere around here."

Then I heard a familiar voice from afar. I turned around and there I saw Namjoon.

"NAMJOON HYUNG!" I yelled, running to where he was.

He froze and slowly turn around,"Jungkook?"


He actually stood there as I reached him. "How did you find me here?..." He asked.

"Nevermind that, Y/N is going to marry Joongi!!" I said, catching my breath.

"What? Y/N is going to marry who?"

"Their wedding is in a week from now hyung. Are you just going to let her go like that? To be somebody's else's wife?"

"But we're siblings Jungkook, what can I do?"

"What if just WHAT IF you guys aren't?!" I said, getting irritated.

"I don't know Jungkook! Why don't you put yourself in my position?"

"Sorry hyung, it's didn't have to leave y/n without saying a thing."

"I didn't, I gave her father a letter to give to Y/N." 

"Oh, then I don't know. Here, Y/N wanted us to give you a letter she wrote. Give me your phone contact."


"Do you not want to stop their wedding or at least see her again?" 

"Fine...give me your phone."

"Thanks hyung, I have to go now. Bye."

"Bye Jungkook, are the other boys doing well?"

"We are, you don't have to worry. Just so you know, Yoongi hyung might beat you once he sees you."

He chuckled, "Alright you go along now."

I smile and walked back to the car.

Namjoon p.o.v:

Y/N is going to marry Joongi? I don't believe it....I walk back inside and open the letter.

Dear Namjoon,

I'm writing this letter to let you know i'm marrying Joongi. Even though I don't know if you'll even get the letter haha. Me and the other's never gave up on looking for you. But I guess it's time I should give up don't you think? Since I heard that you found someone new....that's fine. With you  being happy with her is enough for me. I found out about me and you being siblings. I was shocked when I found out. My father kept it from me and I just wanted to tell you that I love you very much Namjoon. I loved you with all my heart Namjoon but now...i'm going to marry someone else with the dress we both picked out. You're welcome and invited with your girlfriend, it's in a week from now. It's the same place we both were going to marry. I wish you a happy life and be happy for me.

Love, Y/N

I felt tears fall as I finished reading the letter. She's going to marry someone else, be in the arms of some other man, and have a family with him. Why is our destiny like this? I can't let this happen, I need to go and take her back. I'm no longer going to hide anymore, even if we're siblings.

Y/N p.o.v:

"Are all of the invitations ready?" My mom asked.

I nodded my head, not saying a word. "Sweetie, are you sure you want this? I can tell your father to stop all of this." My mom asked.

"I''s ok mom, there's nothing that can be done to stop them." I said, putting on a pain smile.

She hugged me,"I know I know how much you and Namjoon were in love. I don't know why he left but i'm sure he had his reasons."

Wait what? Mom doesn't know about me and Namjoon being siblings? " you...nevermind."

"Hm? What was that sweetheart?"

"Nothing mom, nothing."

I was confused, how could mom not know? Did dad lie? I glance at him and Joongi who were happily talking together. I sigh, this will probably be the last time i'll smile.

~a week has past~

"My, don't you look beautiful?" One of Joongi relatives said.

I smiled,"Joongi sure is lucky to have you as his wife."

My mother walked in,"You look gorgeous Y/N. Now let's get into the limo to go see Joongi."

I nodded my head and looked at myself one last time. I'm wearing the dress we picked out together to marry someone else. I walk to the limo, Jay and the boys wasn't able to find Namjoon after that day. Jungkook gave Namjoon the letter but I don't know if he'll come. We arrived at the churched and I saw bangtan with Jay. 

"Hey Jay--"

"Say what?" Jay said, his face forming a frown.

"They aren't siblings...." A female voice said.

They all gasp but Y/N was a bit too far away to hear what the woman muttered.


I AM SO SORRY FOR THE LONGGGGGGGGGG WAIT>.< I finally updated this story in ages! Thank you for your patiences, I do appreciate. I'll make sure to update this story for you guys to read. Thank you for reading^^

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