Chapter 15 Goodbye

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*Listen to this to get a better feel of the story*

"What do you mean they aren't related?!" 

She flinched, "Jay calm have some explanation to do here." Jin said.

"Hey you guys!!" A voice said from afar.

They all shut up, knowing who's voice that belong to. You ran to them but saw Sunmi with them. You slowed down,"Oh...hi Sunmi."

She just nodded her head."You look beautiful Y/N." Jin said.

You smiled,"Thank you Jin you look amazing yourself." 

"Too bad Namjoon hyung isn't here to see you like this." Jimin said.

"If he did, he will end up falling for Y/N all over again!" Hoseok said.

I just laugh, feeling a bit sad on the inside. "The wedding is about to start, you guys talk while I go and be...someone's else bride."

They all got quiet,"Are you sure you want this Y/N? I want what's best for my little sis." Jay said.

You smiled,"Of course! I chose this path didn't I?" You reassured him.

"Y/N..." Taehyung said, grabbing my hands.

You pat his hand,"It's ok Taehyung...I'll be fine!"

"Y/N!! You need to get back here and get ready to walk inside." My mother called me.

You smiled at them,"Well here I go you guys. I'll officially be someone's else bride."

They all smiled at you as you walked back. But you stopped in your tracks. "Hey Jay?"


"None of your enemy's or anything will come crashing here will they?" I asked, remembering what happened last time.

"I promise you they won't." He said.

"They should." Jungkook mumbled.

Jimin nudged Jungkook on the side. You smiled and slowly walked towards the church. But each step you took reminded you of the times you spent with Namjoon. Tears slowly formed, you shook your head. 

"I-I shouldn't is my wedding day. I should be smiling..." You said, smile faltering.

You waited each and every day for his return. But Namjoon never came back to you. You wanted to believe in him. But now is the day you're finally leaving everything behind. All the things you guys did together, planning your wedding, and remembering how you two first met. Everything now will remain as a memory to you. You will no longer wait for his return, knowing his final answer. With no response from him, you finally gave up.

I loved you Namjoon, I truly did.

Not having anymore hope, no longer knowing that feeling of happiness. Today was the day you were going to leave everything behind. I'll keep all those precious time we spent together as a memory. Tears flowed down your face as you reached the door. Knowing you were waiting for something that isn't going to happen. The doors open; you took one step inside and your smile fell immediately, tears fell seeing someone else standing there instead of Namjoon.


"They did not...HER FATHER WOULDN'T DARE DO THIS TO HER!" Yoongi yelled in anger.

Sunmi slumped down lower, feeling scared. "Stop it Yoongi, she isn't the one to blame. Sunmi had no idea about their plan." Jin said.

"I didn't think her father and Joongi would do something like that. Her dad told me to go get some of Y/N  hair. So I did and I asked Y/N why he needed Y/N hair. He said no reason and just left. But later I found out when Joongi threaten me to tell Namjoon. He blackmailed by targeting my mom. What did you expect me to do? I didn't want to ruin Namjoon and Y/N but I didn't want  my mom to be in danger because of me. I was left with no choice but....told Namjoon and showed him the DNA. You don't know how guilty I am till this day." Sunmi said, head hanging.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2016 ⏰

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