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Hey guys!

Before you read Radiation Point, just a few things. First and most importantly, no plagiarizing.

This is my baby, that I have spent literally years writing. I started it in 2012 after a friend of mine lost her daughter after a senseless act of violence. Hearing details, scared me.A lot. The police were called, but they didn't get there until 40 minutes later when her daughter was already dead. It made me think, what if we lived in a world where we couldn't rely on the police? What if we solely had to rely on ourselves? That's partly how Radiation Point was created. I wrote a character who was strong for all those people who can't be.

I'm publishing this to wattpad to get feed back, so if you read it don't hesitate to comment. I plan on publishing Radiation Point in the future, so I'm making adjustments for this format. The published version will have bonus chapters and expand upon existing ones, but the Radiation Point here has the heart of the story.

So please feel free to comment, critique, and enjoy! :)


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