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The camp looked drastically different as we emerged from the basement. I blinked insurprise at the sight of it. The halls were deserted, blood stains the only company. I turned to Ellen in horror.

"Did they--"The words were too horrible to speak. "Where is everyone?"

Ellen look surprised at the question.

"Don't you know?"

"Did you kill them?" The words coming more freely now, harsh and cutting in my anger.

Ellen's eyes widened, "What kind of question is that? Of course, they are not dead. Just evacuated, 'til things are cleared up in here."

A wave of suspicion went through me, but looking at Ellen, I relaxed. Slightly. Yet,memories of the slaughter at our last camp crept into my mind, and I gripped my gun tighter.

"Here. Tyler'sbeen wanting to talk with you," Ellen said stopping outside of Commissioner Osguard's office.

"What about my sister?" I asked, halting outside the door. "I need to make sure she's okay first."

"It all right, Sugar. Shadow's safe, I promise. Nothings gonna hurt that little girl on my watch." Then waving me on with a grin. "Go on. I'll watch the door," she said, giving me an exaggerated wink.

I pushed open the door, strangely dubious of what I would find waiting for me. The irony wasn't lost on me that Tyler wanted to see me in the commissioner's office—from one tyrant to another I thought with a smirk.

I jumped when I saw Commissioner Osguard behind his desk. A wave of deja vu crashed over me. This time his eyes held such pure hatred, I wilted against the door frame.

"Come on in. It's fine."

Tyler sat in a chair next to the door, looking smugly at the commissioner.

"What's going on?" I asked, turning to address Tyler.

Tyler spread out his hand in a gesture of peace. "What does it look like Nessa? We're here to break you out."

The commissioner chuckled in response. Tyler shot daggers with his eyes, mirroring the commissioner's hatred.

"Nessa," the commissioner said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Fantastic. Now I know your name for when I kill you."

Tyler jumped from his seat, his face turning an angry shade of red. He leaned over the commissioner's desk, his voice low and threatening, "Shut up,scum. You only speak when spoken to, do you understand me?"
The commissioner looked up at him with innocent blue eyes and a small smile. He didn't respond, but in his eyes was a dare. Tyler's hand began to inch towards the commissioner's face, but I grabbed his arm.

"Stop it, he's just playing with you."

For a moment, Tyler looked at me in disgust, pulling his arm free from my grip. Then with a sigh, he seemed to shake the anger off him and motioned for me to sit down.

"You're right. Besides, he can play all the games he wants when he's dead."

I stared at him a moment, searching for the tenderness and kindness his eyes used to hold, but they were empty. I turned away in shame. How could I have ever loved him? How could I have thought he changed since I'd seen him last?
"Wait," Tyler said, gripping my arm. "Don't look at me like that."

"Like what?"

"Like I'm some kind of monster."

I didn't reply, but my face betrayed my emotions. Tyler turned red; a softer, embarrassed shade of red.

"You're not the same either. I can see it. You're a killer. I can see it in your eyes," he said, almost pleading.

Although his words weren't threatening, I felt as if I had been punched in the gut. He was right. I was a killer.

"All right,you've rescued me. Now what?" I asked, feeling resigned.

"Now we take over, starting with our friend, the commissioner here."

"Friends are we?" the commissioner spoke smoothly, his words dripping with sarcasm. "How rude of me. If I had known, I would have offered you a drink."

Tyler glared darkly at the commissioner, but didn't take the bait. Instead he turned to me, "I figured you'd like to do the honors."

I stared at him incredulously. The honors? Did he really think I took some joy in killing?

Tyler shrugged, his expression boyish, "Don't be mad, Nessa. You know I couldn't let him kill you. And it only seemed fair for you to be the one to kill him."

Tyler waited expectantly for me to answer him. I could feel the commissioner's eyes skewering me from behind. I felt trapped between two evils. But was I any better? As Tyler had pointed out, I had changed. I'd needed to change. The chemical war demanded change or die.

With that in mind, I whirled around to face the commissioner.

"Why haven't you killed me yet?"

"I'm a little tied up at the moment."

His response was instantaneous. He smirked up at me, his eyes holding a dare.

"Bullshit!"I said, slamming my hands on his desk. "You had plenty of opportunities to kill me. Why. Haven't. You. Killed. Me. Yet?" I enunciated every word slowly, venom seeping out as I spoke.

I glanced back at Tyler, "Give me a knife."

He grinned his lopsided, boyish smile as he handed me his knife.

The knife felt like an old friend. Flipping it a few times, I walked around to the commissioner's side of the desk. "Commissioner, you told me not to worry about your little tools in the basement," I said, as I pulled his chair back and plopped down on his lap. I held the shining metal across his neck. "And now I'm telling you. You should start worrying."

He looked up at me, his eyes full of disgust. He struggled against the restraints, his hands balled into angry fists. He didn't reply. He didn't need to. His eyes said it all. He would kill me the next opportunity he had.

Unruffled,I moved the knife away from his throat and examined it. Without looking at him, I said, "I could kill you with one thrust of my hand. It wouldn't take much effort. This is a good knife. And I'm agood hunter." I lifted my gaze from the knife and stared at him steadily. "So why don't you start talking? It seems like I'm the only one whose bent on keeping you alive."

A shock went through him at my words. A question flashed across his eyes, but he quickly blinked it away, shifting his expression into stoic composure.

"I'm surprised," he said, forming each word slowly, "That you would make such a weak mistake." Then skewering me with his hard eyes,"Did you really think I was keeping you alive for any reason other than my own pleasure?" He punched every word with force, his eyes never leaving my face. "I like the hunt and you—you are nothing more than my game."

I felt myself shutter at his response. He was repulsive as he was smooth. A monster in gentleman's clothes. I narrowed my eyes resolutely, and lifted my knife to finish him.

He smiled then; a sickening sweet smile that halted me mid air.

 "Weak,"he whispered triumphantly, and before I could respond, he easily pulled his hands free from his bonds, gripped my shaking hand, and forced the knife down.

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