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My breath caught in my throat at the sight of his body. I shook violently-the shock of nearly dying still lingering on my skin.

My rescuer stood silently across the room. All I could make out was the tall frame and broad shoulders of a man. I gripped the cold metal bars and waited, my heart still racing. The figure didn't step towards me, simply stood statue like across the room.

"Please,"I whispered tentatively. "I need to get out of here."

The creak of the staircase under his feet was his only response. My heart fluttered in panic when I realized he planned to leave me down there.

"Please,"I called out. "I don't have any weapons. What if someone comes back?"

The footsteps stopped abruptly. For a moment, I thought he had already left. I sat back on my cot, gloom settling on me like a thick veil.

The sound of metal hitting metal pierced the silence. Stuck in the bars of my cell lay a small black pistol. I picked it up gingerly and checked the magazine-full. Then, I peered into the darkness in front of me, but the room was empty-except for the body. A winding trail of blood seeped towards my cell. I shivered at the sight.

Though not skittish, I still found it unsettling to be in a dark room with a dead body. I brought my knees to my chin, arm wrapped around my legs, and waited.

The shooting had stopped and it was eerily quiet. Thoughts of Mia,Ellen, and my own near death experience closed in on me-smothering me. On the verge of a full blown panic attack, I slowly recited to myself all the reasons I needed to be strong.

My parents needed me to be. Mia and I had to survive. They died so we could live.

Warm tears flowed down my cheeks and I hastily wiped them away. I didn't have time for mourning. And yet, alone in the darkness, images of my parents swam before me.


"Do you really think that's a good idea?"

My dad had leaned in the doorway of my room, pastel pink with white trim. I lay sprawled across my bed painting my nails a vibrant purple. I shrugged and started to apply my second coat.

"Why wouldn't it be?"

He chuckled good-naturally.

"Well,seeing as you have karate lessons in," he paused to check his watch dramatically, "five minutes, I don't think your nails will be dry in time."

I groaned and rolled my eyes, sitting up as I did.

"Do I really have to go? I hate karate."

"Hey,we had an agreement," he said, putting up his hands in defeat.

"Yeah,yeah. If I want to start dating, I need to learn how to defend myself," I mimicked, making a face.

"Exactly,"he said. "So it's your call, Nessa. I'm fine with you staying home where you won't need to defend yourself. No arguments there." He backed out of my room, closing the door behind him.

"No way! That is not happening!" I yelped, springing from the bed. I grabbed my duffel bag and hurried after him.

"What is all that noise?"

My mom stood at the bottom of the stairs, her hands on her hips. Her voice was playful and her blue eyes twinkled.

"Great news," my dad boomed. "Nessa has decided to quit karate and stay home with us instead of going out with Tyler."

"I did not," I cried out, laughing despite myself.

"Is that so?" my mom grinned mischievously. "I did need some help with these dishes."

I groaned over dramatically.

"You're worst than him!"

"I'll help with the dishes," Mia said softly from behind my mom.

My mom turned and smiled at Mia, "You don't have to do that, sweetie. I was just teasing your sister about," she paused to look at the clock on the wall, "her karate class that she's about to be late for."

I bounded down the rest of the stairs two at a time, calling as I went,"Alright, alright I'm going. Love you guys."

"Love you too sweetie."


I could almost hear my mom say those words. I felt a pang in my chest,so sharp my breath caught. I missed my parents so much it hurt. But there was never any time to think-to mourn-and it had to stay that way.

The creak of the door opening snapped me from my memories. I gripped my gun tighter. The light clicked on with a blinding flash. Blinking furiously, I tried to regain my sense of composure.

"Careful where you point that thing," a familiar voice said from across the room. My heart leapt in relief.


I lowered my gun and gripped the bars of my cell.

"You're okay."

"Yeah,well, I'll make it. And what about you, Sugar? You okay down here?"

Her eyes were on the body of the slain man on the floor. Carefully stepping over his body, she stopped in front of my cell. Ellen fished a massive key ring out of her pocket, the keys jingling with each one she tried.

"Where did you get those?"

Ellen grinned mischievously.

"From an old friend of ours. He owed me something after what he did to my shoulder."

The commissioner. Maybe the nightmare was really over. I had to be sure though.

"Does that mean he's dead?"

Ellen didn't look up from trying keys in the lock. Her fifth try, the cell opened with a click. Relief washed over me as I pushed my way out. Ellen stared at me a moment, her eyes soft. Then she wrapped me in a warm hug, bringing back the motherly images of her mom jeans and button down shirt.

"I'm glad you're okay, kid," she said, her voice gruff. "And, no.He's not dead. It won't be long though. We're taking over."

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