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Tyler stood up so fast his chair flipped to the floor with a thud. With a roar, Tyler pulled out his gun and aimed at the commissioner. The commissioner used his free hand to pull me closer to him, using me as a shield.

"Put the gun down," Commissioner Osguard ordered, his voice hard as stone.

Tyler's eyes were rage filled, but he obeyed. His gun hitting the table with a heavy thud.

"Good. Now open the door."

The commissioner put his back to the door, keeping me in front of Tyler's gun. I struggled uselessly against the commissioner's grasp. With one arm around my waist, the other pressing a knife to my throat, escape seemed impossible.

Once in the hall,the commissioner shut the door with a slam. The sound jarred Ellen to attention. She had been leaning against the wall next to the door,lost in thought. Shock spiked through her as she registered the commissioner holding me hostage.

"Put the gun down," he said, his voice business like. Ellen hesitated. He pressed the knife deeper against my throat, pain searing through me at its touch. "I said put the gun down."

She frowned, but dropped her gun with a clatter. Her eyes held threats of her own,but she kept quiet.

"That's better,"he said smoothly. "Now get into the office."

She opened her mouth to argue, then shut it with a snap. Without a word, she marched into the office.

Once Ellen was gone, he eased his grip on me slightly, but kept the knife poised at my throat.

"This way," he said, tugging me down the empty hallway. He walked backwards, so that I was facing the office door.

He only stopped when he reached a door that led outside.

"Do not fight back," he whispered, his lips sickeningly close to my ear. "I'm going to make a run for it and you will cover me."

"Why would I do that?" I spat, attempting to turn my head to glare at him. He pushed the knife deeper against my throat and I gasped at the shock of pain.

"I said you will cover me."

I didn't argue. Instead, I braced myself as he opened the door and ran, dragging me with him as he went. He stopped at the gate of the South entrance.It was completely empty. There were no guards or renegades to be seen.

Without a word, the commissioner pushed me against the metal fence. My heart raced as I heard rustling behind me. I shifted around to see him taking off his belt. My pulse quickened at the sight, fear washing over me.

"Relax," he said sharply. He grasped his belt and tied it tightly around my wrists. He leaned in close, bringing his face near mine. I cringed at his nearness and braced myself for what he would do next.

"Time to make this hunt fun. I would keep that gun I gave you close. The next time I see you, I will kill you."

A shock went down my spine at his words. Gun? My pocket felt heavy from the gun I had been given in my cell. I struggled against my bonds, twisting around in time to see Commissioner Osguard slip soundlessly into the woods.

I lay dumbfounded against the cold metal chains. He was letting me live. Again. Confusion muddled my mind, as the implications of his sparing my life two time in one day whirled in my head.

Groans from the woods snapped me back to attention. Although my wrists were restrained, he had left my feet free and I backed away from the fence, tugging on the restraints I went. The groans grew louder as the contaminated reached the metal fence. Its rotting fingers gripped the metal and tugged, the clang loud against the quiet of the yard. The knot in the belt slipped undone as I reached the door, but something made me freeze.

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