Ch 1- A Painful Encounter

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This is my first fanfic, constructive criticism encouraged! Hope you enjoy~
- Min

POV- Taehyung
Setting- School

The bell rings for the start of class, but I ignore it. My objective is the roof, not my classroom.

Skipping class has become a habit of mine- not that I mind it. I'm not popular, but I'm not an outcast. I have some friends and decent grades, but when one of my "episodes" hit, I can't stand being in a cramped room. Instead of leaving class and getting in trouble, I just simply don't attend in the first place.

It's not like I'm avoiding bullies or class work (which I don't altogether mind, honestly), I just need my "thinking space", ya know?

The halls finally clear, and I dart out from behind the storage closet door, making a beeline towards the stairs.

This has been my daily routine for almost 2 years. I go to class just enough to pass, any other times I could be found on the roof, watching people from my perch on the fencing.

I like observing people's behavior; it intrigues me. I've seen almost everything from that fence- you name it. When a girl from 3-C jumped out of the window and broke her legs? Yep. The time that tall guy confessed his feelings by painting his whole body red? Check. When the principal and Mrs. Whatever-her-name-is hid in the bushes and did the dirty? Saw it all (I'm scarred for life, thanks).

I see all these things, and I write down interesting ones down in my special notebook. It has a log of funny stories from both of my years in high school. Names, dates, times, and events all neatly catalogued in my little bound journal. I haven't ever shown anyone it, for good reason too. Do you know how many secrets would be spilled? Lots- take my word for it.
I hike up the stairs and open the door to the roof, finally. I suddenly smell ammonia; cleaning products, I think. I hear shuffling and laughter around the corner, which is unusual: I'm usually the only one up here during class.

I walk around the corner and see something that makes my knees go weak- 5 muscle-heads going ham on one frail guy. One is standing off to the side, holding open a bottle of floor cleaner, probably grabbed from the janitor cart when he wasn't looking.

"It won't be just this when you snitch on us next time, you fucking bitch"

The ones pinning him to the ground then started to roll up his sleeves.

The victim looked like a small animal caught in a trap; like a bunny. His eyes were wide with fear, tears streaming down his small cheeks. His beautiful raven hair was being held hostage in between the jock's sausage-like fingers, and it looked painful.

I was rooted to my spot, like the chicken shit I am. My huge flaw is exactly that: I freeze when I am threatened or scared.

As I stand there like an idiot, the douche with the floor cleaner moves closer to the small "bunny".

"I don't think snitches need arm skin, do they boys?"

This comment induced laughter from his squad, and it kicked my ass into gear (finally). He was about to pour the liquid onto the bunny's exposed arm when I stepped out into the open.

"Um... I don't think you should do that."

Wow. How fucking lame. I had hoped that my brain would come up with something cooler to say in this situation. *facepalm*

The group turned and looked me up and down. They let go of the bunny boy, and started to move towards me. Oh shit.

"Well, well, well, does this little bitch have a knight in shining armor to come save him?"

The bunny whimpered on the ground. He whispered useless "sorry"s, and curled up into a ball. The jocks moved closer to me, forgetting their original prey.

"No, I don't know this kid, but I suggest you leave my "thinking space" before I have to charge you rent."

When I said this they sprinted towards me, tackling my knees and came down on top of me. They then continued to beat the shit outta me, kicking my ribs and punching my face until all I could see were stars. When they had their fun, they chuckled and spat on my face.

"How sweet, your knight took the beating for you, bitch."

He laughed and looked at the bunny boy curled up on the concrete.

"This is just a sample of what's to come, snitch."

They high-fived and walked down the stairs, leaving us alone on the roof. It was still, quiet. I would have considered it peaceful if it wasn't for my throbbing head.

I broke the stillness by slowly standing up and walking over to the poor boy. His lip was swollen and bleeding, fresh bruises were forming all over his body. He saw me coming over, and tried to stand up- failing miserably. He finally gave up and just sat crossed-legged, and I sat across from him in the same fashion.

"You okay?" I asked

He nodded his head and held out his hand, which I shook.

"Jeon Junkook, freshman"
"Kim Taehyung, sophomore"

Bullied- VkookDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora