Ch 2- Jungkook's Past

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POV- Jungkook

"Jungkook, put your shoes on we're leaving."

"Where are we going?"

"A company dinner, hurry up. We can't be late for this or your father and I will miss the partnership opportunity with the Parks."

The memories of my childhood have all been like this. Company dinners, meeting the rich spoiled kids of my parents' friends, and being generally ignored by my parents.

My father owns a large chain of high-class hotels. Really, they are more of a child to him than I ever was. He cares more about his job that his own child. Crazy, huh?

"Mom, can I go to my friend's house tomorrow? It's his birthday."

"No, you have lessons." She would offhandedly say every time.


She shot out of her seat and slapped me square in the cheek. She didn't hit me often, but when she did, it stung like a son of a bitch.

"Don't act spoiled, Jeon Jungkook. You have no say in the matter, you're going to have to suck it up and live with it."

Her words always cut me to the bone. She was a housewife, and her only hobby was controlling my life.

When I finally was old enough to realize what what occurring at home, I started to make a plan to leave. The emotional and physical neglect- it was too much, especially with what had been going on at school.

I secretly got part time jobs all throughout middle school and finally saved up enough to move out of that damn house. I remember the night I left vividly.

"Where the fuck do you think your going?" My father whispered as I walked out the front door, suitcase in hand.

"I'm leaving."

I said these simple words, and I felt ten thousand weights lift off of my chest. I finally was free! I felt like a cloud, coasting along with the wind in the sky, not a care in the world.

He started to follow me down our driveway, but it didn't matter. He screamed at me, but it didn't matter. He swore and threw things at me, but it didn't matter. I was dead set on leaving the house, and I intended to do it.

"You are the biggest disappointment I've ever laid eyes on. When you fail and are on your hands and knees begging for forgiveness, don't expect me to pity you. You are no son of mine."

I kept walking, but I was bawling. He finally said it. After all these years, he finally got the balls to say it to me. I was just waiting for the words to fall out of his mouth, and they finally did. Now I really was free.

I had always held on to the small hope that my father actually cared for me, but that hope was dashed, beaten bloody and bruised. Now there really is no reason to come back.
I hailed a taxi and made it to my new apartment. It was shitty and small, but it wasn't a confining cage like that mansion was. I cleaned up and got ready for bed. It was the best night's sleep I've ever experienced.
School was also a living hell. A double whammy, you could say. Ever since third grade, I have exclusively been my grade's punching bag. Sometimes even older or younger kids drop in for a visit.

Maybe it was because I was small for my age, maybe it was because I was shy and didn't have many friends, but I know the true reason why. It was because of my father. He was the hotel tycoon, and he did what he had to do to close the deal, no matter if it fucks up someone else's life in the process.

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