Ch 6- A Last Resort

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A/N- double update because I can. Definitely not because I feel bad about not updating for a while. Definitely not... *-* sorry lol...
POV- Jungkook

'I didn't get his number.'

Really smart of you self, don't get his fuckin' number, that's a good idea.


No matter, I have to start packing. *tired sigh*

At last, at 3 A.M., I finally packed my essentials and moved all the stuff out in front of the apartment. Now, just to carry it all downstairs. And then across town. To Tae's. Hopefully by then, it won't be an ungodly hour to plead for a place to stay. What a mess.


Backbreaking as it is, I moved all of my stuff down the stairs and loaded up to make the trek back to the place I left earlier today. Left in a much better mood, might I add.
Struggling to carry the assortment of belongings down the road, two men stumbled out of a pub, singing drunkenly. One was short and had muscles for days. The other was tall and had a giant grin plastered across his face.

"BULTORUNE~ fiiiiiiiire~..."

"Errybody say la la la la la~"

They notice me, and start walking towards me curiously.

"Heyyy, do you wannt some heeelp?"

I could smell the alcohol off of them from ten feet away. I shouldn't trust drunk strangers, but fuck it. How much worse could my night get?

"Actually yeah, I'm trying to move my shit to a convenience store a couple blocks down. Mind helping me carry it? I'll pay for your troubles."

The shorter one looked to the other and nodded.

"No payment needed, cutie."

Unnerved by his statement, I dropped an armful of boxed into his waiting grasp. The other started loading up as well.

The boxes towered over the shorter, and my tired brain thought this was hilarious. I was basically crying laughing at the picture in front of me.

"I'm Park Jimin, but cuz you're a cutie you can call me whatever you want."

The other piped up while walking ahead of us. "Never mind his rambling, he gets horny when he's drunk. Oh, by the way I'm Jung Hoseok. Call me Hobi."

"Not that it matters but I'm Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook."

We trekked down the street, reaching Tae's in no time. The time was around five thirty. Shit. He's probably not up yet. Oh well, I can wait for once. I turned to my companions.

"Thanks a lot for your help, it's been an interesting night. Here's my phone number, call me for a meal on the house for helping me."

Jimin snatched the scrap of paper I held and with lightning speed and put my contact into his phone. I noticed that he put my name as 'cutie'. -.-" great.

Hobi did the same, but minus the enthusiasm and 'cutie' name tag.

We bid our goodbyes and they tottered off drunkenly.

Now starts the waiting game. Fun.
Around six I must have dozed off, and by the time I was startled awake, it was around nine. I was startled awake by a very loud and excited Taehyung.

"WHOA KOOKIE, why are you outside my house surrounded by boxes?"

I look up to find Tae's face looking down from his open window.

"Oh you know... Stuff happened. Can I come in?"

Tae ducked into the window and dashed out the front door a minute later. He was still pulling on a shirt, so I caught a glimpse of some nice abs. Ayo.

We carried in my junk, and I basically collapsed on the floor.

"So- here's the deal. I was evicted from my apartment, and I need a place to stay. I was wondering if it would be any trouble to let me stay for a couple nights until I found a new place?"

"Don't even have to ask. Stay as long as you want. We have a spare room, but it currently holds all of our extra stuff. You look like you need to sleep asap, so how about you crash on my floor until it's clean?"

I smiled tiredly. "Sounds great."

He swiftly set up a makeshift bed on the floor, and I immediately passed out.
POV- reader

Jungkook slipped into dreamland immediately, leaving Tae to the task of cleaning out the extra room, and breaking the news to Granny. 'What an exciting day ahead -.-*'

He tiptoed out of the room, heading towards his grandmother's room.

*knock knock*

"Granny, I have a surprise for you..."

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