Ch 7- Broken, But Not Alone

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POV- reader

"Granny, I have a surprise for you..." Taehyung stepped cautiously into her room, making sure to walk around the coffee table that threatened to be tripped upon. His grandmother was sleeping with her back to him, her snores resonated around the room. He tiptoed up to her back and ever so gently tapped her. She shot out of bed with a knife in her hand, immediately taking a defensive stance against the startled Tae.


She realized who it was and let out a sigh.

"Kim Taehyung you know not to wake me up early."

"Granny, Jungkook is sleeping on my bedroom floor right now, I think this is an appropriate reason to wake you up."

Granny's eyes widen as she sprints out of her room and into Tae's. She sees the sleeping figure on the floor and lets out another sigh.

"He got evicted from his apartment, and he has nowhere else to go."

"Poor kid... He can stay in the spare room. Kim Taehyung, clean it out for him, won't you?"

With that, she walks back into her room and falls back asleep. Tae knew this because the walls started vibrating from her snoring.

POV- Jungkook

When I drifted off, I began to dream.

I was in Tae's room, but he had his back turned to me. He was playing a video game as I stood and look down at him. He turns and pushes me underneath him, throwing the game controller to the ground. He straddles my legs. "Tae what are you doing?"

"I love you, Jungkook."

I begin to cry.

"How could you love a mistake like me? I'm useless."

He mumbles something that I couldn't quite understand.


"You are no mistake of mine."

He looks me dead in the eyes, and repeats.

"You are no son of mine."

His face turns into my fathers', pinning me to the bed. It morphs into a chair- I'm chained to it. I am surrounded by my family; they are pulling at their face and hair, screaming at me about how I should just 'go fuckin' die". As I realize what they are saying, tears start running down my face and dropping into my lap. Out of nowhere, Mrs Park and my tormentors come and start beating me. They are screaming gibberish into my ears, and I feel like my head is going to explode. I scream stop; then I hear a voice louder than all of them. It's one of the muscle heads that beat up Tae. He comes close to my face and smiles menacingly.

"Jungkook, wake up."

I scream as I'm shaken awake in a cold sweat. I feel the tears from my dream streaming down my face, the adrenalin rushing through my veins telling me to run away from the torment.

My eyes go into focus and it's just Taehyung holding my shoulders, trying to wake me up. His face shows worry, and I am also worried. Why did I have to have one of those dreams at Tae's? My nightmares come hard and frequently. It was a strange night if I didn't wake up screaming and crying.

"Jungkook, are you okay? I was downstairs and heard you screeching... Breakfast is ready if you're up to it..."

A tear slides down my cheek and Tae wipes it away with his thumb.

I go limp in his arms. This is the first time I've woken up and immediately been put at ease. Taehyung is like a pill I need, a drug I can't live without. His beautiful morning hair and husky voice assault my senses, his touch makes me melt into a happy little puddle. Not once have I ever felt these emotions to another human being.

I smile and grab his hands from my shoulders.

"Thank you."

I said two simple words and got up, heading to the bathroom.

Closing the door behind me, I stand in front of the mirror. I look like shit. The bruises still prominent on my cheekbones and jaw; I feel like a kindergartener's half assed coloring project. My eyes inflamed and puffy from sleep crying. I weakly smile.

I whisper to my beaten reflection.

"I'm in love with Taehyung."
POV- Taehyung

As I carry the last item from the spare room downstairs, granny calls from the kitchen that breakfast is done. I head back up the stairs to alert Jungkook and hear screaming from my room. I sprint up the stairs and fly through my doorway and lay eyes on Jungkook. He is struggling against his blankets and tears are rushing down his face. He looks terrified. I immediately grab his shoulders and shake him awake.

"Jungkook, wake up."

He screams and jolts upward, finally realizing what was going on. His stunned face quickly melted into relief.

"Jungkook, are you okay? I was downstairs and heard you screeching... Breakfast is ready if you're up to it..." I said quietly, as to not startle him. A tear slid down his face and I wiped it away with my thumb. He suddenly grabs my hands. My heart beats. He smiles. My heart beats. "Thank you" is all he replies and then goes into the bathroom quietly. My heart beats. I stare after him, longing to ask what was so upsetting to him, but I knew that would just upset him more. There are so many burning questions in my head, but I know it can wait. I can wait. Because in my eyes right now, there is only Jungkook. He is broken and scarred, trampled on and bruised, but maybe that's the reason I need him. He makes me feel alive; the emotions awakened by him are like no other emotions I've ever felt before.

He and I are both broken, but together we are whole.

And then I realized.

I love Jungkook.


A/N- Oooooh things are spicing up! I plan on ending this one in a few more chapters, so enjoy the ride out!
- Min

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