Ch 5- No More Apartment

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A/N can I just point out how adorable that picture is? Okay, back to the story!
- Min

POV- reader

Jungkook nervously stood up as Tae grabbed the notebook and pencil and scooted out from underneath the table. "Granny, we're headed upstairs... Call me if you need anything," Tae shouted as he walked towards the door to the stairs. Jungkook followed quietly behind.

Tae opened the door and made his way up the stairs, humming a sweet tune as he went along. He turned around and looked behind him trying to make small talk, but then his foot slipped from the stair, making him start to fall backwards.


Tae thought he was going to fall into Jungkook and make him fall down as well, so he tried to grasp for anything that would support his weight enough to to stop him.

He didn't catch anything in time.

'I hope I don't smush Jungkook' was the only thought going through his head, until he abruptly stopped falling and felt pressure around his waist and on his butt.

Jungkook saw that Tae was falling, so he quickly put his arm out on instinct, but his hand landed directly in the center of Tae's right butt cheek. Then, to try and cover up his mishap (he was aiming for the lower back), he slid his other arm around Tae's slender waist.

"Aha Tae I didn't uh well I didn't mean to touch your butt I just um saw you falling and tried to catch you but I didn't think this would happen I'm sorry don't take this the wrong way I'm not-"

Taehyung cut him off.

"Jungkook, it's okay, stop babbling! Thanks for stopping me from falling, it's alright if you touched my butt geez," he said, laughing his ass off at the pure innocence of the other. He regained his balance and looked back again. Kookie was beet red and shyly looking down at his fingers. 'I wish you would touch more that my butt...' Tae thought longingly.

'WOAH WHERE DID THAT COME FROM KIM TAEHYUNG. YOU ARE NOT GAY.' Tae realized what he had just thought and internally scolded himself, again. 'What is it that being with him makes me want to take him into my arms, squeeze gently, and kiss the top of his head... Geez get it together Tae...'

They made it up the stairs without further interruptions, and headed to Tae's room.

He had a decently sized room, and from the door Jungkook could see a neatly made bed and a desk organized by a filing cabinet. He was surprised at how orderly the room was, considering Tae's personality was all over the place. The walls were a pale blue which reminded Jungkook of the morning sky, just after the sunrise. He could also see a closet and a dresser to the left of Tae's bed. The closet was slightly ajar, and Jungkook could make out the silhouettes of the clothes, neatly placed on hangers. On the other side of the room, cardboard boxes were stacked in the corner.

"What are those boxes for?"

"I moved in here recently, haven't unpacked everything yet," Tae shot back while he concentrated on the game council in front of him. He was fiddling with a game, putting in the cartridge and starting it up. Jungkook watched from the doorway, mesmerized by the back of the others' head.

"You gonna stand there all day?"

Tae snapped him out of his stupor and Jungkook quickly sat down on the floor of the room next to Tae.
They played the games for a while until Granny called up the stairs for dinner. They ate with her in the separate dining room and then when they managed to stop stuffing themselves, Jungkook got ready to leave.

"That was delicious! Thank you for your hospitality, but I really should get home."

Granny raised her eyebrows, "Leaving so soon? Have you talked to your parents yet?"

"I live on my own, no need to worry about that."

Granny stood up and shuffled to the kitchen. After a bit, she returned with a huge Tupperware full of the leftovers from dinner.

"Here, take this with you. Eat it at your leisure."

Jungkook bowed deeply and then said goodbye. Tae followed him out of the shop onto the street.

"Hey, Jungkook?"


"Make sure you visit again... I had a fun time today."

"I had fun as well, I would love to come again and visit granny."

"Then it's a plan! See you at school!"

Jungkook walked down the street and disappeared around a corner. When he went out of view, Taehyung sprung into the air and let out a whoop.

'My new friend will come again.'

He walked back into the shop, grinning from ear to ear. Granny took notice of his happiness.

"First time you've brought home a friend Tae, that's new... Maybe moving here gave you some fortune after all"
Tae nodded and left to go get ready for bed.

As Jungkook walked home, he mulled over the day's events. First, he was assaulted viciously, then his knight came and saved him (again). Lastly, he was invited over to his house and cooked a homemade meal, the first one in what seems like forever. He usually just gets frozen dinners or buys meals from the convenience store, so this is a nice change of pace. With his thoughts floating comfortably around his head, he skipped home happily.

Rounding the corner to his apartment, he noticed that the older neighbor who helped him, Mrs. Park, was outside of her house. Her door was ajar and he could see that her rooms were trashed. Jungkook rushed to her. She was sitting on the porch, leaning defeatedly against the doorway.

"Mrs. Park, are you okay?"

"They came for you... When I wouldn't tell them your apartment number, they broke into my house and assaulted me. THIS IS YOUR FAULT. When I allowed you to stay here, I didn't know you would bring riffraff like this to my complex. I'm sorry but I can't house you any longer. I'll give you until the morning to get out or else I'll charge you for the damages. I'm sorry Jungkook, this is out of my hands now."

Her words hit him like a stack of bricks. He felt his stomach drop, and tears come to his eyes. How did they find out where he lives? Why would the stupid school bullies wait to attack him at his house? Didn't he get this enough at school? Where am I supposed to go now?

Where am I supposed to go now.

"I understand Mrs. Park, thank you for letting me stay tonight. I cannot express the sorrow I feel for bringing this to your complex. I will leave early tomorrow."

A deep bow, and off he walked before he collapsed in front of the distraught woman. He climbed the stairs slowly, despairing about his situation. Jungkook thought about his options. He could go back home, but that means he would be flying right back into the cage he tried so hard to escape. No, he couldn't admit defeat and go home with his tail between his legs. That left him with two options: one- he could find a comfortable box to live in or... Go to Tae's. Just then, he lets out an exasperated sigh.

"I don't have Tae's number."

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