The Forever After

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That night, the two quietly snuggled on Taehyung's bed. He understood how traumatized Jungkook felt, and was determined to take care of him. He silently watched as the other slept, admiring the elegant curve of his nose, and his long, dark eyelashes. He planted a kiss on Jungkook's forehead and moved to get out of bed. He ended up going downstairs to talk with his grandma.

He called her name as he came into the restaurant kitchen. She looked up from her task and sent a smile in his direction. She was still unaware of the events that happened earlier.

"Oh Tae, dear, don't forget that school picks up again tomorrow. Since it was a long weekend break, make sure you have all of your homework done."

He uneasily nodded, preparing himself for what he was about to ask.

"Uh, Granny... can I ask about my past? Before the accident?"

Taehyung's grandmother sighed and nodded.

"Yes, but it might be painful. Let's go sit down."

As they slid into a booth in the restaurant, she began.

"A few months ago, you and your family got into a car accident. It.. ah.. killed both your parents, as well as your older brother. You miraculously survived, but it came with a price. You had lost your memories, and the only person to take care of you was me. I am your only known relative, so I took you in. That's the short of it, I guess... there isn't much else I know, since I wasn't around you until the accident."

A silent tear shed from Taehyung's eye. He was thankful to know, but it still hurt to listen. All he had known prior was that he lost his memory and had to move in with his grandmother. That accounts for all of the unpacked boxes and introverted tendencies he had. He pushed up from the table, stepping out from his seat.

"Thank you, I know this must be hard for you too, granny."

With that, he trotted back to Jungkook's sleeping form. Pulling the covers and sliding under them, he accidentally woke the other up.

"Tae? Are you alright?"

"Yeah, just lay back down. We still have time to sleep."

Taehyung nestles into the nape of Jungkook's neck, and started to breathe in his scent.

"You smell beautiful in the morning."

Jungkook giggled. "You can't smell beauty, tae."

"No, but I sure can smell A beauty"
Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"You're so cheesy, but it was a gouda joke."

Jungkook turned and winked at the other as he said this. Tae just groaned at the horrible pun Kookie cracked. Laughing, Jungkook stood up and started to dress for the day. Still rattled by the marks the drunk man left on his body, he shivers.
While Taehyung was spacing out, Jungkook quickly turned towards him.

"Hey, I have a question. A few, actually."

"Yeah? Shoot, babe."

Blushing at the pet name, Jungkook asked his questions.

"Okay first of all- are we.. like you know... dating now?"

"Of course. I can't imagine my life without you, Kookie."

"Alright... second: why do you like observing people? And why do you keep a booklet for it?"

"I really have no idea... I just like watching people's behavior. One led to another, and then it grew into a hobby of mine, I guess... why? Is that weird?"

Jungkook smiles happily. "No, honestly I find it endearing. Hmmm- finally: did you forget about walking me home from work that one time? You haven't said anything about it and I was just wondering if I was imagining it and I might be insane, I don't really-"

"You're rambling again! Such a cutie~ first of all, the most probable answer is that it happened before I lost my memory... I just found out today what actually happened. I lost my memory a few months ago in a crash... my whole family died in it as well..."
Taehyung got quieter and quieter until he trailed off. Jungkook rushed to his side to hold him.

"I'm sorry... babe it's okay. I'm here now, that's all that matters. I shouldn't have asked."

Jungkook silently stroked Tae's head, shushing and calming him down.

Jungkook grinned to cheer the other up.

"You see? We both have baggage, we both have a story. Neither of us are perfect, neither of us are whole alone. But together we can fill the emptiness in each other. Together, we can do anything- because we love each other. That's all that really matters now."

Taken aback by Jungkook's speech, he silently smiled and nodded.

"You should be a poet, Jungkook. It would suit you well."

The next day, they both set of for school, hand in hand. Happiness spread between the two, neither dreading what was to happen that day. In just a span of a few days, so much has happened. Taehyung saved jungkook, and fell in love with the quiet bunny boy. Jungkook was evicted and then saved for the third time by the other. He was almost raped, but then again, Tae came and saved him. He really was a knight in shining armor. Bravery and masculinity was embodied in the older, whereas femininity and wisdom was bestowed to the younger.

Without much of an inkling of the future, the two boys walked into school. All they were sure of was they had each other.

And that's all that mattered.


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