Ch 3- That's What Friends are For

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I know the story has been kind of serious, but it's gonna get lighter and cuter, I promise!!!!! Hang in there, okay?
POV- Taehyung

After introducing ourselves, I really got a look at Jungkook. My first thought was 'holy shit, he's a cutie.' And then I realized what I was saying... WHAT? You called him a cutie? 'Tae, snap yourself out of this. You're not gay.'

But I just couldn't take my eyes off of him.

His cute smile, the way his nose elegantly curved, how my eyes could follow his sharp jawline to his ears. I found myself staring at his small pink lips, they were like fresh rosebuds blooming on his face.

"Taehyung- Taehyung, are you okay?"

His words woke me from my stupor. Woah. How long have I been staring at him?

"Ah uh yeah, I'm fine... Sorry I zoned out for a sec." I sheepishly grinned, and he returned with another charming smile.

"No it's fine I can understand. Those guys beat the shit out of you because of me... I'm honestly really sorry. I understand if you hate me..."

He looked down at his hands, nervously playing with a loose string on his bloodstained jacket.

"NO NO! I don't hate you at all, this wasn't your fault! I was the idiot who stepped in without a chance in the world haha."

"Well, it doesn't matter, can I help you get up?"

"It honestly seems like you need help more than me, Jungkook."

He nodded his head smiling, and held out his hand for me to take.

I hoisted him up the best I could without hurting both of us even more, and made sure he could stand on his own.

"I can walk, thanks for the boost."

He took two steps and immediately collapsed. Aigo, this kid.

"Whoops..." He said absentmindedly, and I burst out laughing.

His head shot up to me crying laughing, and he grinned like an idiot.

"AH, Ah I'm sor-sorry, that was just, HA- too cute!"

Gasping for air, I snapped to attention after I realized what I had just blurted out.

"Cute, huh?" He smirked at me from the ground.

"Oh, sorry if that made you uncomfortable ahah, you just remind me of a lil bunny, that's all I was implying."

Yeah, nice save you fucking dork.

Oh well, he at least looks like he bought it...


We walked down the stairs, supporting each other. When we reached the bottom, his stomach called out in hunger. So cute~

"Seems like you're body is demanding sustenance, eh?" *smile*

"Yes, it seems that way... I didn't get a chance to eats breakfast today."

"Here, I'll get you something, my treat!"

He flushed and looked up at me, wide eyed.

"N-no, I couldn't ask you to do that after what you just went through. I refuse politely."

His mannerisms are so fucking adorable; it makes me want to squeeze him even more ahhh...

"Sorry, I politely refuse your refusal. No buts about it, I'm taking you to my favorite cafe... After we get patched up haha."

Shuffling from side to side down the hallway, we made it to the empty nurses office and started to bandage each other up.

I wasn't surprised that it was empty, budget cuts, yah know? The nurse hasn't showed up all semester, and nobody knows what really happened to her.

Some say she was fired, some say she was killed. It doesn't affect me though, so I never really paid attention to the rumors.

"Can you turn around please?"
Jungkook shyly met my gaze, spinning his hand out in front of him illustrating what he wanted me to do.

I did as he asked.


I spun around startled only to see him on the floor, shirt half off, with the contents of the first aid kit scattered around him.

\(*A*)/ whoa. His milky white stomach was revealed, his toned abs out in the open- but he was covered in scars and burns.

He struggled to quickly get his shirt on again, and sprung upright. He was beet red and stuttering out excuses for his wounds.

"It's not w-what it looks l-like! I swear, I'm just really clumsy, I promi-"

I cut him off with a swift hug. I don't know what came over me, but he just seemed so helpless that I rushed to comfort him.

"Shh, it's okay. I'll protect you."

"I couldn't possibly ask you to do that, I don't want to get you involved.."

I let go of him, sensing that he was uncomfortable. Then something hit me.

I smirked, "if you were just clumsy, what would you be getting me involved in?"

He sputtered, internally yelling at himself for letting that slip out of his tiny mouth.

"Trust me, okay? If you are ever in trouble, my classroom is closest to the first floor bathrooms. Come get me, no matter what."

"But why? Why would you help me after...?"

"Cuz that's what friends are for!"

I squarely smiled at him, turning up the charm to convince him.

He went silent and walked over to the infirmary bed.

"Friends, huh?"

He looked up at me and smiled from ear to ear.

"Guess I can't deny my friends' help... Can I call you Tae?"

Bullied- VkookDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora