Chapter 1

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Everybody has routines that keep their life in order. Everybody has people who are part of that routine. My routine is a little messed up at the minute but the basics were; go to school, go home, revise, eat and sleep. However, Friday's are different. Friday is when Calum comes over.

I've know Calum for about 9 years 10 months and 17 days and I can't remember the last day that we didn't speak.

I have never told anyone, not even Calum, but I...adore...Calum... His hair is always so perfectly messy. He has the most seductive eyes, like dark chocolate caressing vanilla swirls of light. His delicate lips move so swiftly when he speaks. The way his jaw holds his face like a precious child drives me insane... But I could never tell him, it would shatter out friendship.

Today is Friday and I have 2 exams; maths and science. After school Calum is coming over with a lot of food. It's almost like our religion to eat food while watching movies and talking about people we hate. I live for Friday's just so I can spend time with Calum.

The lunch bell rang and I saw Calum strolling out of second lesson. He usually waits for me at the end of the corridor by the door to the library but today he walking straight past the door and out into the courtyard. I instantly knew I had done something wrong, he has remembered everyday for the last 5 years of secondary school to wait for me after class but today he 'forgot'. I grabbed my phone from my pocket to text him and was unpleasantly surprised to have already received a text from him. It read:

hey Luke, I'm going to hang out with Michael and Harry first break so I'll see you at second break.

I felt my heart start to rage angrily in my chest. My stomach was doing somersaults as I read. Every word deflated me more and more. My cheeks flushed red with embarrassment that I now had to sit alone at the table in the cafeteria and I had been left by the one person I thought I could count on.

I stormed through the corridors until I reached the usual table in the cafeteria, I dropped my bag to the floor and slumped into a chair. I was so embarrassed to be sat alone. I needed something to be doing so I didn't look like one of those depressing little emo kids that sits alone all the time, with headphones in and music blasting from both sides of their head. I took out my phone and began to play a game of colour switch to pass the time.

Finally, after the most painful 30 minutes of my life, the bell rang to indicate the start of lesson. I walked hastily to my English class, alone.

As I approached the door Calum did too. I looked at him and he smiled but I was still to angry with him to smile back so I looked away and walked to my seat. I wanted him to pull me back so badly. To pull me into his strong, tanned arms and tell me that he's sorry but that was stupid. Calum didn't even know that I was upset about what he had done... Yet.

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