Chapter 6

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The next morning I woke up to my phone vibrating. I picked it up and saw that Calum was ringing. I answered the call and put the phone to my ear. "Hey Luke, do you wanna meet up later? Or I could come to yours and watch a film with you? It's up to you, what would you like to do?" I was still half asleep and quite confused at how calm and normal he was being. "Yeah sure we could watch movies if you want to? Bring food with you though." Calum laughed down the phone and told me that he would be there at about 6.

It was 5:55pm and I was laying on my bed. I had set up the TV so that we could watch a film and I'd tidied my room a little so it was a little more presentable, not that Calum really cared if my room was a mess. I was playing a game on my phone when my bedroom door opened slightly and Calum walked in very casually. He was wearing a black and white checkered shirt with black skinny jeans. He looked adorable. He was holding a white plastic bag which was overflowing with snacks and drinks. He placed the bag down by the side of the bed and jumped on the bed next to me. "So what are we watching?"
"It's up to you" I said handing him the remote. He scrolled through Netflix for a while before putting on '6 years'. He threw the remote to the end of the bed then pulled me into his chest and put his arms around me. I laid my head on his chest so I could hear his heart beat and wrapped my arms around him.

I had fallen asleep during the film but Calum didn't move. He laid there with me laying on him. He held me close to him while I slept. I felt so safe and warm. I never wanted to move form this heaven called Calum Hood's arms.

When I woke up, I sat up and Calum did the same. I looked at him and yawned. He smiled at me and I returned the smile while looking away from him. He lifted his hand and put it on my cheek turning my head towards him. I felt that he was going to kiss me but as he leaned in, my door flew open and we both quickly moved away from each other. My mum walked in with a pile of clean washing. I had never despised anything as much as I hated clean washing right at this moment. I missed Calum's lips pressing against mine. Just the thought gave me thrills. "Are you two okay?" My mum asked. "Yeah we are fine mum." "Good, see you later." She left the room. Calum looked at me and we both giggled a little bit. I reached over to get some popcorn. "Let me smell that Luke" I hesitated, quite confused as Calum had just asked to smell my popcorn but I held my hand out in front of his face any way. He sniffed it for a second and then quickly opened his mouth and stole the popcorn from my open hand. "Thanks" he laughed. I laughed too. It was adorable to be perfectly honest. I got some more popcorn and ate it before he could ask any more silly questions.

It was around 3 am and I had woken to go to the toilet. I climbed out of bed and walked across the room standing on a piece of popcorn that was on the floor, probably from our food fight earlier. I opened the door and went to the bathroom.

I returned to find an empty bed. I paused just inside the door. At that moment Calum came from behind me and pushed me down onto the bed. He jumped on the bed next to me and looked me in the eyes. "I was going to give you this earlier but your mum came in." He said before leaning over me and pressing his lips tenderly on mine. He went to pull away but I wasn't satisfied, I needed more. I put my hand on the back of his head and pulled him in again. His tongue explored my mouth and my tongue explored his. It was like a heaven of fluffy clouds and rainbows. This moment couldn't have been more perfect.

The kissing eventually stopped and we both got back into bed. Calum put his arm over me and fell asleep within a few minutes. I couldn't fall asleep. I couldn't stop thinking about our kiss. It was amazing.

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