Chapter 7

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I woke up to a cool breeze on my bare chest, Calum must have left the window open.... Speaking of which, where was Calum? I leap out of bed in just my boxers and look around, maybe he went to the toilet, maybe he's getting food.

I descend the staircase after a shaky walk down the hallway, half asleep and confused. He can't have just left me.. I walk into the kitchen, bare feet on the freezing cold tiles, I bite back a gasp and carry on walking. There's a note on the fridge with huge writing on it, obviously Calums even from here. I walk towards it and read the messy scrawl. It says:

"hey Luke, I've gone for a walk, I shouldn't be long but if you wake up before I get back don't worry about me.
- Your dearest Calpal xx"

I call him to check if he's okay. He answers after a few rings and tells me he's perfectly fine and I worry too much. I make him promise to meet me at the park in half an hour which he agrees too.
I run into my room, looking for some clothes. Im going to be wearing his beanie as mine has gone missing, but apart from that I pull on my plain white tee, with a red plaid shirt over it, unbuttoned. And my ripped skinny jeans that fit comfortably after a few months of me wearing them on most days.
I get ready to leave the house and grab my keys, phone and earphones.

I pushed the gate open and walked onto the park. I could see Calum in the distance. He was holding something in both of his hands but I couldn't make out what they were. He looked up as I walked over to him and he spotted me as I approached him. He began to walk towards still holding the two items. As he got closer I could see that it was a cup of coffee or hot chocolate. We meet in the middle of the field and he handed me a warm cup of coffee. "Here you go, I thought you might want one since you haven't been awake for very long." He laughed and then threw his arms around me causing me to spill a little bit of my drink onto the floor. I wrapped my arms around his waist and squeezed him making him gasp. We both laughed.

We decided to go for a walk through the park and then through our estate and over to McDonald's. As we were walking Calum and I were talking about random things and laughing together. He took my hand firmly with his and entwined our fingers.

We walked over to the crossing about half way down the road before pressing the button to cross the road and waiting patiently. The light displayed a green man and we both stepped on to the road. Suddenly I caught sight of a speeding car coming straight towards us. Calum must have seen it at exactly the same time as I did. My body froze, I saw Calum turn and the next few minutes happened in slow motion. Calum's hands hit my chest with a huge force sending me flying backwards on to the pavement. I landed heavily and hit my head hard on the ground. I sat up as quickly as I could but I saw my worst nightmare. Calum was in the middle of the road still. He was running but he just wasn't fast enough. I could see the disaster before it had even happened. The car swerved but lost control and spun straight into Calum. Tears streamed down my face. I watched as the love of my life was pummelled by the side of the out of control car. Calum flew through the air for what seemed like an eternity before smashing to the ground causing his head and other various parts of him to bleed. I ran over to him. I lifted his head resting it on my knee. He had just saved my life and now he could lose his own. "Calum?! Please don't go. I can't live without you" I cried. He opened his eyes slightly and attempted to lift his hand. I took his hand in mine and held it close to my heart. "It's going to be okay cal, I'm here, I've got you" a woman who had witnessed the incident had phoned an ambulance for me as I was in to much of a mess to ring. I assured Calum that help was on its way before weeping on him.

A few minutes later blue flashing lights surrounded us and I was dragged away from Calum. I fought back as hard as I could just to hold him, to be with him. It was useless. Calum was surrounded by people in green uniforms with odd looking items in their hands. It wasn't long before he was lifted into the back of the ambulance and I was allowed to go with him. I was lead quickly to the ambulance. As soon as we were inside I heard the sirens go on and we sped away. I kneeled next to the bed holding Calum's hand. I had no words, only tears and a lack of breath. The paramedic who had accompanied us in the back of the ambulance was monitoring Calum on a screen and kept writing things down. He put his hand on my back. "You alright kid"
I looked up at him and another tear fell down my cheek. "It's hard seeing your mate like this isn't it? I understand mate"
I looked down at the floor again. "He's not just my mate" a weak and helpless voice muttered. "He's my boyfriend" my head shot up to look at Calum. He was looking over to me and smiling. He looked weak and in a lot of pain. He squeezed my hand. "You really think I'd leave you that easy?" He smiled before laying his head down on the bed again and closing his eyes still gripping my hand.

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