Chapter 5

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The next day was Saturday. And for once I had nothing to do. I decided to text Calum asking if he wanted to hang out, I knew the answer would probably be yes so I started to get ready.
I pulled on my fall out boy shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans, with my black converse. Knowing full well, Calum would probably wear the exact same but with his dark blue Maine t-shirt.
I had ridiculous bed head so I wet my hair and brushed it, putting a beanie on to hide the mess.

I soon got a text back off Calum, telling me to meet him at the park in five minutes. So I grabbed my keys, phone, earphones and left the house, forgetting to ands my mum but I'm sure she'll be fine with it.
I out my earphones in and listened to my blink 182 play list while I walk towards Calum.
Around five minutes passed and I was there. Calum was sat on a bench in the centre giving me a little smirk and a nod of his head, so I walked towards him. He widened his arms, welcoming me into a warm embrace which I kindly accepted. As we pulled away to stand up, he kissed me and my lips burned for more, but we were in public so we kept it to a minimum.

He grabbed my hand and gently tugged my earphones out of my ears for me to go from blink 182, to his soothing words of 'I love you.' My heart skipped a beat as I repeated the phrase and kissed him back. He played with my fingers as we held hands and walked through the city streets, minutes became seconds, and hours became minutes as we talked non stop and bout everything and anything that came to mind.

We stopped off at a small coffee shop on the corner and he brought me a huge cup of coffee, with lots of cream and lots of sprinkles. If this wasn't a date, then it was a pretty vivid walk in the park. I went to get my wallet out to pay my half but he refused and threatened to attack me in the shop if I even tried to get a penny out. I pouted in defeat and he pressed his lips against mine. Admitting defeat I smiled into my coffee and sipped on the drink once again.

I finished my coffee and alerted Calum, who had finished like ten minutes previously, so we could leave the shop and go home as it was quite late. We walked towards home which was a surprisingly long journey as we'd walked pretty far in the time span of a day, but we didn't mind as it meant we spent more time together. Our fingers intertwined and we walked in comfortable silence for a while, admiring the stars in the sky and the city lights illuminating the streets.

Calum dropped me off at my house and gave me a cute little kiss on the nose. But before I left he grabbed my hand and placed into it a locket, inside was a picture of me and him that we had taken years ago.. I wonder how long he has had this?

I smiled and thanked him before our hands untangled and he departed down the street and made his way home. I closed my front door and slid down it, breathing out and concealing my inner fangirl as I wanted to scream at how sweet, kind, thoughtful and nostalgic his gift was. I put it around my neck and went to bed, clasping it in my hand before I fell asleep, and smiled into my pillow.

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