Chapter 12

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We burst into the room and Ashton's strong arms sent me flying into the middle of the bed. Before I could even attempt to move he had climbed onto the bed and was leaning over me, pressing his lips firmly against mine. I tried to move but his hands pushed me back down. I lifted my leg and pulled him towards me with my foot. At this point he released one of my arms and gripped my shirt near the collar. I lifted my now free hand to pull him closer as I felt his hand sliding down my chest. I put my hand on his back gripping his shirt tightly in my hand. His hand was now over my dick and I let out an involuntary moan as he gripped me firmly. He began to kiss my neck as he fumbled his way down my jeans to touch me. A few moments of intense kissing and dick grabbing had passed and Ashton pulled away from the kiss, his hand still holding me preciously, he started sliding off of the bed before releasing his grip and holding my legs. With one swift movement, I was now laying with my feet hanging off the side of ash's bed and my dick laying on my stomach I front of Ashton. Suddenly, ash fell to his knees and took my dick in his hand again and began to tease me. He licked me and then put the tip in his mouth before starting to suck my dick. A sensation I had never had before rushed through my body. Calum had never made me feel like this, whatever this was, but I liked it. Eventually, he lifted his head and stood up in front of me. I didn't hesitate to grab him around the waist and undo his jeans springing his dick into my face, I began to suck his dick while ash let out a moan of pleasure.

A few minutes had passed before there was a noise behind ash. Ash didn't seem to be bothered. He turned slowly to see what it was, pulling his penis from my mouth. I sat on the bed quickly, I was quite alarmed. Ashton turned towards the door and spoke
"Oh hey dude, you all better now?"
Ash was stood on my view of whoever it was. I thought it could be his mum but wouldn't he be more alarmed too if it was? Then I thought maybe Michael, but wouldn't Michael have left once he'd seen the incident? Ash stepped to the side picking up a bottle of water. It was at this moment that I saw Calum, holding 2 crutches, a shocked expression on his face. Hanging over one arm was a gift bag. My jaw dropped, I stood up quickly and stepped towards him. A tear raced down Calum's cheek and landed on the pale grey top he was wearing.
"Don't even try Luke, don't even bother"
I reached out to touch his arm.
"I got hit by a car for you! I told you that I loved you Luke because it was true" tears were now streaming down his face. " I begged the doctors to let me out today because I wanted to be there for my 'boyfriend' on his birthday. I missed you Luke and this is what I get?"
He turned to leave before removing one arm from his crutch and throwing the gift bag at my feet.
"Happy birthday"
He stumbled out the room and I fell backwards onto the bed. Ash sat next to me with his head in his hands.
"I'm sorry Luke, I don't even know what I was thinking"
I put my head in my hands and tears fell like rain drops into my hands. I felt Ashton put his arm around me and pull me closer to him.
"It's not your fault ash, I shouldn't have kissed you in the first place."
Ash rubbed his hand on my back.
I didn't know what to do.

I stood up and turned to ash.
"I'm sorry ash I just need to be alone right now"
I walked out of the room and ran down the stairs, opened the front door and slammed it behind me. I ran down the street with tears clouding my view. I reached the end of the road and saw the place that Calum was hit. I fell to my knees and cried into my hands.

I don't know how long I was sat there but when I felt a hand on my shoulder and I lifted my head, the road was quiet and the sky was dark. I turned my head to look at who was stood behind me. Calum stood there with tear stained cheeks and red eyes. He looked at me like I was a lost puppy and at that moment I felt like one. Calum dropped his crutches next to me and sat down on the floor beside me.
"Luke..." He started with a waver in his voice.
"I still... I still love you"
I turned my head to him and stared into his eyes, they were like deep pools of pain and sorrow.
"I... I love you too Luke, don't be sorry"
At that moment my phone started to ring, it was Ashton. I glanced awkwardly at Calum and he gave me a reassuring look.
"Go on answer it, he's probably worried"
I answered the call.
"Hey Luke, you okay?"
I hesitated before answering this. How do I answer this when I'm sat in the middle of a street at 2am with tears running down my face?
"Yeah I'm okay... Are you?"
"Yeah don't worry about me Luke honestly I'm fine I just want you to be okay, I want you and Calum to be okay, what happened with us should have never happened okay, you and Calum are good together and I don't want to be in the way of it."
He sounded so sincere.
"Okay, I'm sorry ash"
"It's okay Luke, talk to Calum you need each other"
I put the phone down and turned back to Calum who had been listening to the whole conversation. He reached his arm out behind me and pulled me closer to him.
"Should we go to yours? Your mum is probably worried?" Calum asked sounding concerned.
My house...with my mum... The one person who couldn't bare to see me right now.
"Umm... I don't think that's a good idea..."
"Why not?"
"Well I kinda... I accidentally... I told her your my boyfriend... And she didn't take it too well... She told me that I'm not to see you ever again..."
"Oh dude... I'm so sorry... Do you want to come to mine?"
"Are you sure? Your not mad at me?"
"Of course I am but I love you Luke, we can get through this"
"I love you too Calum"

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