Chapter 9

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This is really short sorryyy

I woke up in the hospital ward still holding hands whilst the machine was nonstop beeping in the background. I checked my phone for the time and it was 9:03am, close to visiting time. I kissed calum quickly and ran out of his ward and slumped in one of the chairs outside, as if I had been waiting all night. The nurse came by and said it was okay to come in and see him, so I strolled in to a happy calum peeking out at me over the blanket. I pulled the chair from across the room, next to his bed and held his hand. He was supposed to recover really soon which was good news. I decided to go down the hall and get him some coffee, so I got up and proceeded down the hall. I passed a mirror and realised how much of a homeless person I looked and styled my hair and face for at least fifteen minutes, people often walking past and judging me but I didn't mind. I finally got the two coffees and came back to calums room but he wasn't there..

I ran to reception frantically searching for someone to tell me where he went, so I asked the receptionist and they said he got moved upstairs for his xrays of his bones, her words cut me open as I retraced my steps to his ward, and went to the steps adjacent to his door. I found this sign that said "x-ray" and saw his black jacket hanging on the door. A few seconds after i got there he stepped outside in his cute little hospital gown, to which i rewarded him with kisses and a huge hug. He winced in pain as he told me his rib was fractured and he needed to spend more time in hospital, and the doctor said he is no longer allowed visitors. These words crushed my heart and destroyed my soul as he looked in dismay at me, and got taken away by his attractive new doctor. And the door closed, along with my mouth, because i had nothing left to say and i didn't even get a goodbye.

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