Chapter 3

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The rain had been on and off all day but right now it was at its worst. I rushed home hoping that my mum would be out when I got home. All I wanted to do was lay in bed, eat food and cry. The day had been so overwhelming and I couldn't bare the thought of my mums reaction to the bloody mess on my hand.

I stood at the door for what felt like forever fumbling around with the key. My hand was in agony and I could barely move my fingers to hold the key. I finally opened the door to find an empty house. The kitchen door called me over and tempted me with a large pack of biscuits and chocolate.

I slammed my bedroom door behind me as I entered the room. I threw all of my belongings on the end of my bed and sat down next to them. One lonely tear fell. Another followed. I felt my hands drowning in tears I had wiped from my face. I couldn't stop the tears, they fell like a waterfall. I wanted so badly to see Calum's face but all I could picture was Michael and Harry.

I decided to do some revision to take my mind off of the terrible events of the day. I opened my bag revealing the content that was spread out at Calum's feet earlier in the day. I took out my notebook and a pen. I had another exam tomorrow so music revision didn't seem such a bad idea. I opened the notebook about 4 pages in to find a whole page of writing. At first i ignored it, I carried on flicking through the pages to find the next clean page but nothing seemed to be right. My hand writing seemed to harsh and the whole book was so neat. I went back to the long page of writing and scanned over it. I didn't recognise any of it but I did recognise who's writing this was...Calum's.

I threw the book down and laid my head in my hands. I couldn't believe it. After all that had happened, I couldn't deal to even touch a single thing of his. I glanced up at the notebook which laid open on my bed. I scanned across a line seeing my name as I briefly passed over the line. My mind began to wonder what he could possibly be writing about me for so I decided to read the page.

It read:
I love him... He would hate me but I love him.... I love everything about him; the way his eyes consume you when you look deep in to them, they are like pools of deep water with unknown story's below them. His lips look as soft and as plump as pillows. I love them. I love his cute lip ring that moves softly as he speaks. But most of all I love his voice... It's not harsh and it's not gentle... It's perfect. It's like angels sing every time he opens his mouth. God I love him. I wish you loved me Luke I really do. I'd do anything to hold him in my arms.

I slowly put the book down as my heart beat increased. A smile slowly crept across my face and my heart fluttered on my chest. My stomach turned and a rush of this indescribable feeling shot through my body. I waited all this time to find out he loves me just as much as I love him. Then doubt hit me. What if he doesn't really love me? How do I explain that I read his notebook? Will this destroy us?

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