Chapter 5

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{Character in picture: Matt Lanter as Joshua "Josh" Collins}

{Song in video: Phoenix - 1901}

After I ate breakfast with my friends, I asked, "So what are we doing today? Janee didn't tell us anything."

"That's because on Saturdays, we have a free day. We can basically do anything we want, as long as we're being somewhat productive in something," Jillian replied. "Since this is your first week here, you can choose what we should do." She smiled.

"Well...what exactly can we do? Is there horse riding in this camp? On the brochure, it says there is but I haven't seen or heard about any."

"There will be, but they didn't get the horses yet. They should come sometime soon though. We can always ask Janee."

My face lit up with a smile. "Oh okay, that's great! And yeah, we can ask Janee if you all want to." I glanced at Chantel and Lupe.

They nodded in agreement. "Sure, let's go!" Lupe exclaimed, grinning.

We walked around, trying to find Janee. After a few minutes, we spotted Josh, Roger, and a few other people.

"Hey, have you guys seen Janee?" Jillian asked as we came up to them.

They shook their head. "No, we haven't. Do you all need something?" Josh said, glancing at us.

"We just wanted to ask her when the horses are supposed to get here."

He raised an eyebrow. "You ride horses?"

She shook her head. "No. Well I did a few times here, but I'm not really around them very often." She glanced at me. "Rowan is the one who rides horses."

This time, he raised both of his eyebrows, and looked at me. "You ride horses?"

I nodded my head. "Yeah," I said.

Josh was still looking at me. "That's cool. Shane told us we should get them by sometime next week." He smiled.

I grinned. "That's great!" I glanced at Lupe and Chantel, who were talking to Roger, and Jillian was talking to a few of the people Josh was friends with. "So...what are you doing today? Apparently everyone has a free day on Saturdays."

He glanced at his friends, and back at me. "We were going to just hang out, and play some basketball later or something."

"Oh okay...sounds good..." I glanced around awkwardly.

Roger and my friends turned to us, and started talking about different random things.

"We're trying to finish up our pottery stuff by next week," Lupe said to Roger and Josh.

"Pottery you say? I love pottery!" Roger exclaimed with a grin on his face. "I wonder why we can't do stuff like that." I heard him mumble under his breath.

Josh laughed, rolling his eyes. "Do you really think Shane would want us to do pottery?"


"Exactly." He continued laughing.

"So what are you guys doing later?" Lupe piped up, looking curious.

"We're supposed to play basketball," Roger answered, slightly frowning. "I'm not very athletic so yeah..."

"You'll do fine!" She grinned. She turned to Chantel, Jillian, and I. "We can watch them play since we have nothing else to do."

"Sounds good to me," Chantel said, grinning.

A few guys went up to Josh and Roger. "Ready to play some basketball?" Josh asked them.

They nodded their heads, and went over to the basketball court, which wasn't too far. We followed them over there.

"Why are we going to watch them play? Isn't that a bit weird?" I asked, looking confused.

"Not really, considering there's some other girls here," Jillian replied, pointing at some girls who were also watching and cheering at the guys playing basketball.

Lupe and Chantel decided to join the girls in cheering, while Jillian and I sat down.

Jillian pulled pieces of grass out of the ground.

I decided to get my camera out of my bag, and started taking pictures of whatever I was looking at. I took a few of the guys playing basketball, a few of the cabins, and some of the nearby trails.

"Is it okay if I take a few pictures of you?" I asked Jillian.

She looked up, nodding and grinning. "Sure!" She exclaimed.

I took a few pictures of her looking down and pulling pieces of grass out. A few others I took of her while she looked at the camera. After I was done taking the pictures, we both looked at the camera, looking at the different pictures I've taken. Jillian looked beautiful in the pictures. She was naturally photogenic, and could probably become a model if she really wanted to.

"Do you want copies of these?" I asked her.

"Sure!" She said, grinning. "And also some of the other ones from the day we went hiking."

"Oh okay." I smiled. "I'll be sure to make copies of those too. I'll also make copies for Chantel and Lupe too."

"That would be awesome. They'll love it." She glanced at the cabin, and turned to me. "Oh we were supposed to ask Janee about the horses."

"Oh yeah, that's what we were going to do." I laughed. I couldn't believe I almost forgotten about that.

"I see her over there." She pointed at Janee in the distance, who was talking to Shane. "Let's go."

I nodded, and we walked over to Janee and Shane.

"Hey," Jillian greeted them.

"Hey, Jill and Rowan," Janee greeted back, and I smiled and waved. "What's up girls?"

"Rowan and I were wondering when the horses will be coming. She loves horses, and has some of her own."

Shane raised an eyebrow. "You ride horses?"

Janee also raised an eyebrow, grinning and looking over at me. "Really?"

I nodded my head, smiling. "Yeah," I said to the both of them.

"Awesome!" Janee raised her hand, and we high-fived. "We should have the horses by next week."

"Oh okay, and thanks."

"No problem." She grinned. "Need anything else?"

"No, well at least I don't." I smiled back.

"I don't either," Jillian said.

We nodded, and then walked off. We continued talking, and watching the guys play basketball.


A/N: So everyone had a free day at camp :)




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