CHAPTER 6: Girls Night Out

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Authors pov

The girls were heading out for the night.

Rydel was taking them to a hot new club called UP ALL NIGHT.

The girls have finally arrived.

End of pov

********************************outside the club********************************************

( L=Laura)(R=Raini)(D=Delly)(V=Vanessa)

R: hey Delly what's this club called anyways?

D: um I think it called UP ALL NIGHT.

R: cool is one direction playing.

D: I have no idea.

L: come on girls lets go in we don't have all night.

V: yeah.

The girls walked in the club.

*********************************In the club************************************************

V: wow the music is really loud.

D: I know right.

R: come on girls lets go mingle like Laura.

The girls look over and see Laura dancing with some guy.

V: you go girl.

Everyone-L: woohooooo.

Then the girls grabbed a guy and started dancing.

(With Laura and her guy)

L: so what's your name.

The guy: I'm Justin

L: nice name I'm Laura.

J: ur cute.

L: your not to bad yourself.

J: wanna a drink.

L: sure.

Justin grabbed a drink and when Laura wasn't looking he put a pill in it.

J: here babe.

L: thanx honey.

Laura was feeling really loopy and sick after she had 3 drinks.

L: Justin I don't feel good can you find my friends Rydel,Raini,and Vanessa.

J:come on babe let get a room. I promise your feel better.

L: no I wanna go home. Just give me a sec.

J: no it's only been 3 hours.

Just grabbed Laura's arm but Laura was resisting.

Raini saw them and called Ross.

Then Raini ran up and started pulling Laura's arm.

Raini: let her go now.

Justin: no way fat girl.

Laura: hey that's not nice. Let me go and my girl Raini is not fat.

Then Vanessa and Delly ran up and started helping Raini.

Vanessa: let go of my sister f*cktard.

Justin: um excuse me b*tch this is my h*o and she is coming home with me.

Delly: no she not. Now let her go. Before I get angry.

The Justin friends that came here with grabbed the girls.

But before they new Justin friends were out cold on the floor.

The Ross showed up.

Ross: hey let her go man.

Justin: what are you gonna do about it b*stard.

Ross: this.

Ross punched Justin in the face.

Just was out cold.

Laura: Ross what are you doing here?

Ross: Raini called me and told me you were having trouble with a guy. So I rushed down here.

Laura: on thanx Ross. Your the best.

Next thing you know it Laura kissed Ross and Ross kissed backed.

They pulled back.

But before anybody could say anything Laura was on the floor knocked out.



All the characters in this I do not own.

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