Chapter 20: I HATE YOU (ralum)

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Calum: Riker, Rocky how are you gonna do a band with out your pianist and your drum person and manager?

Rocky: it called replacement Calum.

Riker: yeah look it up.

Ross: hey leave Calum alone.

Calum: yeah I was just asking a question. Gosh.

Then Calum stormed out of the hospital.

Riker: sensitive redhead ugh.

Raini: hey leave him alone and so what if he is sensitive atleast he not a jerk like you to.

Rocky: oh Raini why are you even here we don't even like you, your to short, to fat, and to ugly.

Raini: omg you guys are the worst people I have ever meet and you hit the bar low way low even low for you guys when you called me fat and ugly but if you guys think it funny to be a bully to me and Calum then I'm out of here.

Raini ran out of there with tears in her eyes.

Rydel: wow guy you didn't have to call her fat cause she not and she is not ugly she is one of the prettiest girls you guys have ever meet and you know what if you guys are gonna keep acting like jerks I'm not your sister anymore nor your friend.

With that Rydel went to the cafeteria.

Maia: okay um I'm gonna go get Calum and Raini and take them to my hotel so TOODLES.

Laura: why can't you guys be happy for your sister and Ratliff I mean your happy for me and Ross.

Rocky: we can't be happy for them.

Ross: why not?

Ryland: yeah why not?

Riker: we just can't.

Ryland: why can't I be manager.

Rocky: cause you suck at your job.

Ryland: I'm out of here if you need me I'm going to Maia's hotel.

Laura: well I'm gonna go get Vanessa.

With Maia, Calum, Raini, and Ryland

Raini is crying.

Maia: Raini it's gonna be okay.

Raini: no it's not they talk about me behind my back.

Ryland: we don't.

Raini: well I'm not talking to Rocky or Riker. I just wanna go home.

Calum: Raini you can't go home. What about Laura, Vanessa, maia, Rydel, and me. Raini this is suppose to be our vacation don't let some jerks ruin it for you.

Raini: your right I won't. Can I have a hug?

Calum: sure.

Calum and Raini hugged which leaded into a kiss. Maia took a picture. They pulled away.

Maia: you guys are dating?

Calum: we should be.

Raini: of course I'll go out with you.

Ryland: aweee.

Maia look at him like (what's wrong with you)

Ryland: sorry me and Ross share this thing were we're love romance and romantic movies.

Ralum: (laughing)

Maia: Ross like romantic movies?

Ryland: No. I don't know what you talking about. Please don't tell Ross I told you he will end my life short and unpleasant.

Ralum and Maia: OKAY.

To be continued

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