Chapter 26: Will You Be My

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Maia: Rocky. Why'd you do that?

Rocky: because I love you Maia.

Maia: y-you do?

Rocky: yeah. I always loved you. The moment when you said hi to me my heart melted.

Maia: Rocky I can't believe this the man of my dreams just said he always loved me.

Riker and Vanessa: awe.

Rocky: so are we boyfriend and girlfriend?

Maia: only on 2 condition you let Ryland back as your manager. Rydel and Rartliff get to go out and be back in R5 and you Kiss Me? Okay more like 4 conditions.

Rocky: Deal.

Then they kissed which lead to making out.

Vanessa: okay that went well.

Riker: hey Vanessa why are you wearing that coat it's like 98 degrees out there?

Vanessa: because I um I gotta go.

Then Vanessa ran out of the hotel into Demi and Ashley.

Demi: hey watch were your going Tramp.

Ashley: yeah wh*re.

Vanessa: woah bi*chs lets back up here your the ones who tried to steal me and my friends boyfriend by dressing in really short dresses if anything your the tramps.

Demi: oh who are you to judge look how your dressed.

Ashley pulled the coat off of Vanessa

Ashley: oh it's worse.

Demi: we got a sl*t.

Ashley: sl*t alert sl*t alert.

Demi: if you really wanna be a sl*t let me and Ashley help you.

Demi and Ashley started pulling on Vanessa clothes and ripping them to we're it look like she was wearing anything.

Then they left.

Vanessa was crying. They also punched Vanessa and kicked her so she could barley walk. Plus it was getting dark.

A little dog walked up to Vanessa it looked a lot like dougie. The dog was growing fond of Vanessa. It was keeping her company.

Vanessa pulled out her phone and called Laura but she couldn't make it to the end of the phone convo. She had only to Laura wasn't in the hotel anymore she was Hurt, she ran out ,and is some where by a cafe. Then she passed out.

( with Riker and Raia)

Riker: guys I just got a call from Laura saying Vanessa is hurt and lost.

Maia: that's awful. We gotta go look for her.

Rocky: yeah. She can't be to far plus she was running in heels.

Riker: lets go.

They went out and searched.

Then Maia spotted Vanessa. There was a couple of guys surrounded around her.

Maia: hey guys look there's Vanessa.

Riker looked over and saw all the guys. His eyes shot up with jealousy and anger.

Rocky: hey Rike don't do anything your gonna regret.

Riker: I'm not gonna regret anything.

Then Riker ran upped to the guys and picked up Vanessa and ran.

The guys were chasing after him.

Soon it was a wild goose chase Maia Rocky and Riker were running from those guys.

Every once in awhile Riker would look down at Vanessa and he would blush at her nudity but mostly her beauty.

They arrived at Maia's hotel.

Laura was waiting outside.

When they ran by Laura, Maia grabbed her hand and pulled her inside. Then they ran up to the elevator and pushed the button till it shut.

Soon they were at the front door of Maia's room. Maia quickly pulled out her room key and unlocked the door.

Everyone rushed in. Rocky locked the door and a heavy sigh filled the room.

Rydel: are you guys okay?

Maia: yeah will be fine. Now Riker, Rocky don't you have something to say?

Rocky: yeah. Rydel, Ratliff I'm sorry for the way I acted at the hospital the other day.

Riker: me 2. I guess it was a idiot brother move and I know I shouldn't have pulled that move.

Rydel: it's alright. Plus I can't stay mad at you guys forever.

Ratliff: yeah man and I can't be mad at my BESTFRIEND.

Rocky: we total accept you and Ratliff being together and we want you back on the band you to Ross.

Ross, Ratliff ,Rydel: okay.

Riker: hey Ry man.

Ryland: what?

Riker: I know we unfairly removed you from being manager and we want you back as out brother and our manager.

Ryland: well on one condition. You guys take care of dougie for 2 weeks.

Riker: ops we didn't tell you.

Ryland: didn't tell me what?

Rocky: dougie kinda got out and he ran away.

Ryland started crying.

Laura: awe Ryland it's okay. Lets go prints some files and hang em up. Hey riker do you think you could go put Vanessa down and be her little nurse boy while we look for dougie?

Riker: sure.

On that note Ross, Ryland, and Laura went to go prints some flyers out. Raini, Rydel, Calum took one side of the town. While Rocky , Maia, and Ratliff took the other.

To be Continued

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