Chapter 19: PUT OUT OF THE BAND.

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Rydel and Ratliff just went in the Vanessa room.

With everyone else.

Ross: Riker im sorry I beat you up.

Riker: well technically I beat you up.

Ross: oh whatever.

Riker: but I'm sorry for calling Laura those rude names and for beating you up. I love you little bro.

Ross: I love you too.

Laura: I still forgive you Riker. Come on boys hug it out.

Ross and Riker hugged.

Raini: guys what's this picture.

( pointing to a picture of Ross and Laura kissing in Vanessa room)

Laura: oh did we not say were dating.

Maia: nope.

Raini: ugh he took Laura from us.

Maia: well yeah she not single anymore.

Ross: sorry ladies she mine now.

Laura: oh shut up. ( playfully pushing Ross)

Raini and Maia: Awww.

Raini: Maia guess what?

Maia: what?

Raini: both of the marano have had a boyfriend on the trip but you, Rydel, and I haven't.

Then Rydel came out of the Room.


Girls: what? Who?

Rydel: Ratliff.

Girls: ahhhhh.

Boy lynchs: WHAT.

Rocky: you can't date my BESTFRIEND.

Rydel: watch me.

Riker: no Rydel if guys break up what will happen to R5.

Rydel: so my happiness goes behind our band!

Rocky and Riker: KINDA.

Girls: (gasp)

Ross: guys quit being jerks.

Ryland: yeah if Rydel wants to date Ratliff then she can.

Girls: YEAH!!

Rydel: so what are you 2 gonna do about it.

Riker and Rocky started whispering.

Riker: if you date Ratliff you and him are--

Rocky: out of the BAND!!

Laura: you can't do that.

Riker: oh but we can.

Ryland: no you can't I'm the manager.

Rocky: oh and you fired.

Ryland: what.

Stormie: boys you can't do that to Ryland.

Mark: honey lets not get into this.

Stormie: fine. We're gonna go get Vanessa some lunch figure this out.

With that mark and Stormie left.

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